Wife is gonna take the MSF basic course


Cynical Member
Elite Member
Congrats on the progress Nasty! I don't know what the weather is like there in AK but I'm guessing if she gets the course and license taken care of soon she'll have plenty of summer riding days before the winter....by then hopefully she will enjoy solo-ing! You can tell her our forum is encouraging her - haha!

i thought the new ninja250's had FI, but i guess my memory was wrong :confused:

yep you were wrong lol. The same engine for the last 12-16 years has been used in the ninja..
She passed the class today! She's super stoked and can't wait to get to the DMV tomorrow morning and get her new M1 license. She went home and took the 6R out for a spin through the neighborhood (shhhh don't tell the fuzz like theRook), and said it felt good, so it looks like we won't be buying another bike this year. Whew! She would have ridden more, but the F-Trip came on, ha ha. It sucks that I can't be there for another week and a half to go with her on a ride.

YAY!!!!!!!! congrats to her! this is so exciting another girl with a 6r!!! glad that your 6r is getting some use again!!! that will be so fun for you guys to ride together!! patrick and I ride together ALWAYS, and he always lets me lead since i am still a beginner and he doesnt want people riding my tail if I go slow or take a corner really slow. he says he would rather them be on his butt than on mine, cute huh!!!
