what to use to clean/condition the seat?

I use my arse..... seems to clean it everytime, that and wind. I don't think it's vinyl. Mine feels like it's more like a wet suit.
Cc u still charging like 200 something for that stuff?
As much as I love ArmorAll, I think it'd make the seat far too slick.
I don't think the FZ6R manual addresses it but the owner's manual for a Spyder in no uncertain terms states do not use Armor All or similiar products. It advises that no product is to be used. Just wash the seat when you wash the vehicle. I believe that would hold true for the FZ6R as well. David
Cc u still charging like 200 something for that stuff?

theres no profit at the cost dude...$12 goes to the forum and the rest to the product and shipping.
are we just using an armour all type product? it seems like a vinyl....

Mah butt. There's no need for anything else.

See red beat me to it.
Yeah I understand....what was the total price for it cc? I think I want some....what kinda surfaces can I put it on....can u please explain this stuff for me and the others....but yeah I think I do wNt some
well my booty is not keeping the thing clean

i wouldn't want to use armor-all, but figured it was something along those lines; i'm not sure even what the seat surface is
I certainly hit the seat with the soapy water during bike washes. Otherwise, da butt.
water + soap + washcloth and a lint free towel to dry it off.

Putting anything that can act as a persistent lubricant on the ass to seat interface is asking for trouble.
