What is the FZ6R Triple Tree Pin Size?


New Member
I'm looking to get a triple tree stand but need to know the size of the pin. One website's chart says its 21mm which isn't one of the standard sizes that comes with most triple tree stands. Also if you have one, what brand of stand do you have?
Has anyone tried the side stand? I have limited space for storing during the winter months, looks like a good alternative to the front and rear stand.

Dolly Side Stand


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This is a great idea and I really like it. Unfortunately it requires a model specific adapter to use and they don't offer one for the FZ6R. :(

Expensive mistake.

The female couplings adapted for our bikes works well on the left side compared to the right side. The irregular shaped bolt on the right side isn't as secure as I would like. Disappointing, but I'll figure something out.


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