What do you guys like to smoke?


Mistah T
Elite Member
I smoke people who want to race! haha but on topic: I don't smoke. But sometimes i like the smell of those vanilla flavored things.
Haha that kid is a nut, his bike is cleannnn though. I don't smoke squat anymore. Quit smoking ciggs 9 months ago and can't even give you a date the last time I smoked maryjane since its been so long.
what about the aussies in canberra technically it's legal.
but i smoke roll your owns my absolute favorites are winfield red and pj red which just mean 18mg and virginan, i only have a bike license so the reds are better purely because when you ride all year round you freeze and they tend to give you that extra kick in the pants.
My favs include gloria de cubana maduro.

Nica Libre makes a great cigar.

fuente Hemingway is probably my fav

vegas gold is great and cost less them most premium brands

Diamond Crowns are over priced but i like them quite a bit.

and my guilty pleasure (yes it's flavored or infused) drew estate cafe con leche or java. they are fantastic smokes. if you are one of those folk who shy away from flavored smokes, try one. smoke it by yourself and i bet you will find you like it.
I enjoy pipes and cigars. I enjoy full body cigars and a verity of different pipe tobaccos.

Currently enjoying Herrera Esteli cigars from Drew Estate.

Pipe tobacco I make my own blend but really enjoy Cornell and Diehl's "Mississippi Mud" and a number of others. Tend toward the Balken and English Blends. I usually smoke the standard shaped pipes, billiards and Canadians, sometimes a bent or two.

What about medicial marijuana card carriers ;)

What about us folks in states where it is legal for recreational use? :D
