What did you do to your FIZZER Today?

Rode her to work after getting my FULL license. So excited I have a trip planned to the nGA mountains tomorrow. She's been sitting in her room for a couple days, bad weather and trips around the perimiter in ATL are NSFB (not suitable for bikes.) Oh well, it's clear weather, the temps are in the mid 70s during the days now, and the roads are pretty clear on weekends with football season. I love having a DVR.

She's getting rode hard tomorrow, put up wet and very hot.
Was gunna ride for the first time in almost a month since I left it at home from college, but the battery was dead so it is now gunna be charging for a while and no enjoyment today :(
She been rode all week. Back and Forth to work, and night rides after-wards. Tonight.. she rest and gets a bath
Interesting thread...

Rode her all week long from work and back since the cager is down. Loving her with every bit. Currently at work and she is under some trees shading from the sun and early shower. Plan on wiping her clean after work.
took a long ride to Hot Springs down some little twisties on my own to clear my mind and see the fall beauty. She was my life savor today.
opened the garage door to make sure she is still in there :eek:
short ride today

Had to go into the office for an emergency..rode the 6R and took the long way home....nothing like delaying yard-work for a while...hehehe!
Rode in to work. 49* this am..... Getting chillly but it'll have to drop 10 more before I park her. Of course around here we get random mild days in the dead of winter so she never gets put in for the winter. Still trying to get around to doing my fork oil swap to 15wt. Laziness thou art my middle name.:D

opened the garage door to make sure she is still in there :eek:

I pressed the alarm button to disarm and rearm to make sure she was safe and drove the car to work in the drizzle.
