Watch "2010 Yamaha fz6r streetfighter conversion" on YouTube


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2010 Yamaha fz6r streetfighter conversion: 2010 Yamaha fz6r streetfighter conversion - YouTube

Here is the link to my video walk around of my bike showing what it looks like, got that naked streetfighter look for about 8 dollars, and I didn't have to fabricate anything so I can switch back and forth as I choose, check my other post for a better discipline of how I did it and what parts you need,


New Member
Yea I thought about that but decided to juat keep mine on there, I'll probably switch back when I get ready to go on a longer trip because the wind is pretty bad, so I just wanted to keep it simple for now, I love the way it rides but the wind kills you over 70, I looked into finding a fz8 headlight assembly or something like that but didn't wanna spend 250+ on it,


Monster Member
Elite Member


New Member
Yea I was testing it out "on an abandoned road on my grandma's farm" and you can barley hold on if you sit up at all over 100, the wind is definitely extreme,
