Various Road Etiquette Techniques


New Member
I have been wondering about a few things and will try to play them out in a little scenario (none of which have happened to me).

A person is riding along on a 4 lane or more road. A vehicle in one of the adjoining lanes starts to change lanes right on top of you without looking. Could a person get in trouble with the law if they kick the door of the vehicle when that vehicle tries to change lanes without checking their blind spots?

If a person gets in an accident (does or does not require transporting to a hospital) with a vehicle, would it be inappropriate/rude/fuel-to-the-fire if you went up to the other drive, shook her hand, and say thanks for almost killing me?

Say you have a minor accident (driver barely hits the rear of your bike when you go to stop at a light, someone drifts to the edge of their lane and breaks off a mirror/light, etc.). Can a rider legally chase/follow the vehicle and get in touch with law enforcement to report a hit-and-run?

To what extent have users/readers out there filed an insurance claim? If you go around a curve, hit loose gravel, and lay the bike down at 10 mph, would you file a claim for minimal damage? Do you wait until the the accident is going to cost so much to repair? Do you let the claims compound (wait until multiple accidents occur to file one large claim)?

This is just my ranting/random thought of the moment... just thought I would see what everyone else says.


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New Member
Here's my 0.02... :)

Could a person get in trouble with the law if they kick the door of the vehicle when that vehicle tries to change lanes without checking their blind spots?

Bad idea all around... You knock yourself off balance when you do that and you also are not 100% alert to the other sides of you. Some other car may be trying to squeeze pass you from the other side.

If a person gets in an accident (does or does not require transporting to a hospital) with a vehicle, would it be inappropriate/rude/fuel-to-the-fire if you went up to the other drive, shook her hand, and say thanks for almost killing me?

You don't know what kind of person the other party is. What if they are a formerly convicted felon or gang banger? It's important not to over-react, but try to remain calm so that you can asses the situation. My ex-gf got into a car accident, and the police officer actually pulled her aside and told her to let it go and use her uninusred motorist coverage, because he ran the guy's info and found out he was a recently released murderer. and, he didn't want my friend to have to exchange address/ info with them.

Say you have a minor accident (driver barely hits the rear of your bike when you go to stop at a light, someone drifts to the edge of their lane and breaks off a mirror/light, etc.). Can a rider legally chase/follow the vehicle and get in touch with law enforcement to report a hit-and-run?

You should follow hit-n-run offenders, BUT only if it is safe to do so. Otherwise, try to get a description of the vehicle & plate. Then pull over and call the police.

To what extent have users/readers out there filed an insurance claim? If you go around a curve, hit loose gravel, and lay the bike down at 10 mph, would you file a claim for minimal damage? Do you wait until the the accident is going to cost so much to repair? Do you let the claims compound (wait until multiple accidents occur to file one large claim)?

Depends on the damage. Collision coverage often has high deductibles. If the damage is $1000 and your deductible is $500, then might be better to suck up the $500 and keep your rates low. But, if the damage is $3000, then obviously it's worth it. It's really a judgement call...


New Member
I have been wondering about a few things and will try to play them out in a little scenario (none of which have happened to me).

A person is riding along on a 4 lane or more road. A vehicle in one of the adjoining lanes starts to change lanes right on top of you without looking. Could a person get in trouble with the law if they kick the door of the vehicle when that vehicle tries to change lanes without checking their blind spots?

If a person gets in an accident (does or does not require transporting to a hospital) with a vehicle, would it be inappropriate/rude/fuel-to-the-fire if you went up to the other drive, shook her hand, and say thanks for almost killing me?

Say you have a minor accident (driver barely hits the rear of your bike when you go to stop at a light, someone drifts to the edge of their lane and breaks off a mirror/light, etc.). Can a rider legally chase/follow the vehicle and get in touch with law enforcement to report a hit-and-run?

To what extent have users/readers out there filed an insurance claim? If you go around a curve, hit loose gravel, and lay the bike down at 10 mph, would you file a claim for minimal damage? Do you wait until the the accident is going to cost so much to repair? Do you let the claims compound (wait until multiple accidents occur to file one large claim)?

This is just my ranting/random thought of the moment... just thought I would see what everyone else says.

If you kick a door then you could be charged with the damages, plus you could fall.

You just has an accident and now you want to argue and fight? Why? The person did not have an accident with you on purpose.

Just get a description of the vehicle and the plate.

Seems to me the comments on this forum are getting a little heavy on the the we are better than cagers side. Let's not forget that cars are not always at fault in bike wrecks.

Rant over! :) Be safe guys and gals!


New Member
Whenever a car almost merges on to me I honk, speed up past them and proceed to throw my Ninja stars (Rocks + Pennies) at their cage window.


New Member
Whenever a car almost merges on to me I honk, speed up past them and proceed to throw my Ninja stars (Rocks + Pennies) at their cage window.

And now your willfully intending to cause damage/injury to another person/property = misdemeanors and felonies...and, again, I still don't understand why your always getting haggled by the police Mike! :D I understand getting pissed off at stupid driver...just be smart and safe about it.


New Member
If you kick a door then you could be charged with the damages, plus you could fall.

You just has an accident and now you want to argue and fight? Why? The person did not have an accident with you on purpose.

Just get a description of the vehicle and the plate.

Seems to me the comments on this forum are getting a little heavy on the the we are better than cagers side. Let's not forget that cars are not always at fault in bike wrecks.

Rant over! :) Be safe guys and gals!

I agree here as well. Be a good witness...not a statistic. When it comes to hit and run...get the vehicle description, plate AND a good look at the driver...if possible. But, don't risk losing your life over it just. You can always fix your bike...but you...not always so lucky.


New Member
And now your willfully intending to cause damage/injury to another person/property = misdemeanors and felonies...and, again, I still don't understand why your always getting haggled by the police Mike! :D I understand getting pissed off at stupid driver...just be smart and safe about it.

Damage but not death like they're ramming me off the road. A couple of rocks and pennies won't kill them, but it'll make them replace their windshield, still cheaper than them merging on to me and me wrecking, medical bills, out of work, and the cost of the bike.

Just kidding, I don't really do that but a couple of pebbles that kick up from my tire would be kind of nice.

I just don't like how riding a bike comes with the title of being one of the most reckless drivers when motorcyclists are safer than cars because we have nothing to do but concentrate on the road. No make up to apply, no adjusting the music, no food, no cellphones etc


New Member
I just don't like how riding a bike comes with the title of being one of the most reckless drivers when motorcyclists are safer than cars because we have nothing to do but concentrate on the road. No make up to apply, no adjusting the music, no food, no cellphones etc

I hear ya. I hate that stereotype too.


Staff member
I have known riders that knock mirrors of cagers that make them mad. I don't recommend any sort of retaliatory behavior because you just don't know who the other party is and what they are capable of.

I would like to impart a little story unto you now. My wife was driving her car home and at a point where the road narrows she had an incident similar to a merging cager that isn't paying attention. Her lane was the one that continued and the lane to her right was the one that ended and needed to merge. A guy cut her off and she honked to let him know he was way too close. He started to mouth profanities and curse and drive erratically in front of her. He happened to turn down the road she needed to turn on. He thought she was following, pulled into a driveway and waited for her to pass by. He then backed out of the driveway and got behind her. He followed her around our block three times before finally losing interest and going about his way. She refused to pull into our drive to keep him from knowing where she lived or giving him a chance to come at her.

Please just take a mental note of the driver, the vehicle and as much of the plate as possible. Pull off at the next safest location and report it to the police. A number of riders have been killed by cagers during a "my-balls-are-bigger-than-yours" road rage incident. It's just not worth it. Not to mention if you learned anything from middle school, it's that the person who retaliates is the one that always gets caught, not the instigator.


New Member
my respomse to other driver's stupidity: a great big "mentos" thumbs-up.
