Triple Tree Crown Nut


New Member
Tried to search, got 7 pages and none seem to really have the info I wanted...
So guess I'll just ask...

I want to remove this piece so I can put a RAM mount there.
See this vid for example of what I want to do:

Would I be alright, or do I need to do something like hollow out the top part of the nut, making a hole?

Using a stock image off web for gen idea of part:
It's called a yoke nut, and yes, you need it. I don't know what size it is, but im sure you can find the proper size/ proper nut to replace it with.
I actually have one of those now, but not able to get the position I wanted. Hence, why I wanted to try this route.
Can I just get the right size nut from home depot or lowes that is just open in middle??
