Tinted Visor at Night

Wow, pretty Cheap for a helmet. I see all the Hawk helmets listed for below $110 on leatherup.com, but only a few were Snell approved. How's the noise? Anyone else use these helmets?

Of course its not the best helmet...but for the functions and price, it works for now. It's got some wind noise, but I've deaf from years of flying in the Air Force, so its all good :). My other helmet is a KBC, so I've never had a nice Shoei or Aria to compare it to. I want to get a better helmet when funds allow.
Of course its not the best helmet...but for the functions and price, it works for now. It's got some wind noise, but I've deaf from years of flying in the Air Force, so its all good :). My other helmet is a KBC, so I've never had a nice Shoei or Aria to compare it to. I want to get a better helmet when funds allow.

Can understand that. I'm using a Scorpion right now so I too have not had the best by any means. I can deal with noise, can't be much worse than the scorpions but I wonder about fit and safety. Even if these are average seems like a good price considering the functionality. :thumbup:

Not sure what the law for tinted visor here in Florida is but I'm not going to risk it. I usually carry my backpack with the OEM helmet bag. I switch it out and put the visor in the helmet bag in my backpack.

My friend broke his clear shield so he only had his tinted smoked. Rode with it at night with it up.

Guys at my local cycle gear told me they got pulled over for having their visor up while riding, you have to have "proper eye protection". I think it can't be up 1/4's or something.

Which reminds me, what if you want to feel the air at night, don't have a clear at the moment... Do you use sunglasses at night?

I wear my sunglasses at night so i can so i can.....

I can understand the visor issue if you havenormal lighting - but once you upgrade to the 6000 HiD - doesn't matter which visor for visibility
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