Speed and Strength gear


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Lumen Junkie
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First off, I am only looking for helpful info on riding shoes, not boots, if you please. I will not be buying riding boots, at least not right now. I have boots I currently wear but they are just regular winter boots. I wear double layers of ATGATT but the footwear is where I plan on sacrificing some protection for comfort. My bike is my only vehicle so I need riding shoes that are comfortable to wear around all day but still give more protection that a regular pair of tennis shoes.

does anyone have any experience with the Run With the Bulls shoes? I've read plenty of customer reviews and get mixed results. Overall they get good ratings but the most common complaint is that the bottom is too soft and the soles wear away quicker than expected. A dealer roughly 1 hour away has them in stock to try on. (first picture with the white soles)

the only other pair in this style/comfort/price range ($80) is the Big Easy Riding Shoes from Street & Steel. I can't find any reviews on these as I believe they are fairly new. All I could find is customer ratings on a scale of 1-5. they score pretty high like the SS ones but no written reviews by customers. (second picture, the all black ones)

Thoughts? Thank you.

I used to wear a pair of alpinestar "stylish" shoes that had minimal armor... I got into a minor accident and my foot was hurting for days. (i rear ended a van at about 15 mph an hour or so, did an endo and fell.. nothing major so keep that in mind) From that day on, i used put in the money for actual riding boots with armor.

That being said, if you're still looking for something that looks good, are half sized and have armor, these look pretty good. I saw these in person and they look great.

Sure it's more $... but at least you get some protection

Alpinestars S-MX 1 Boots - RevZilla


Well-Known Member
Or these puppies, if you are after sort-of-sneaker like boots
me likes them lots, I have tried them on and considewred if I was willing to spend more $ on a "casual" pair of boots it would be these
A* Fastlane



Or these puppies, if you are after sort-of-sneaker like boots
me likes them lots, I have tried them on and considewred if I was willing to spend more $ on a "casual" pair of boots it would be these
A* Fastlane


Those are the pair I was referring to in my last post. Honestly, dont spend your money on anything like this. You might as well ride with regular sneakers. Save your $ and buy boots with some armor. trust me...


New Member
Try S&S moment of truth for about $100 riding with these for about a year and very comfy and well made.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1368648080.101097.jpg comes in black or white.
