Some lady out there must think I'm a real jerk


New Member
As I was riding home from Target this evening some lady merged into my lane without looking. Nothing too dangerous, my life wasn't threatened or anything, but I decided to giver her a little love tap of the horn just to let her know she screwed up.

My horn button stuck in! :confused:

I honked at her for a good 30 seconds before I could get it unstuck. She must have thought she had cut off Samuel L. Jackson in a feisty mood. The worst part was when I was trying to get it unstuck we came upon a red light and I nearly rear-ended her because I was concentrating on the horn.

I felt so ashamed, but what can you do?
Did that in my car 2 days ago. Some woman didn't think I went around the corner fast enough for her so she beeped at me about 6 times then zoomed around me and blasted up the road. Only to have to stop at the next red light while I slowly caught up with her at the light next to her and looked over and gave her a beep since her big hurry didn't gain her anything. The thing is I bought this used car about 6 months ago and never had used the horn... well it stuck and kept honking until she honked back a bunch of times and drove away.. she was really hacked off then... I had to pull over and stop laughing cause she was really steamed. About half the people on the road shouldn't be allowed to have a car.
Did that in my car 2 days ago. Some woman didn't think I went around the corner fast enough for her so she beeped at me about 6 times then zoomed around me and blasted up the road. Only to have to stop at the next red light while I slowly caught up with her at the light next to her and looked over and gave her a beep since her big hurry didn't gain her anything. The thing is I bought this used car about 6 months ago and never had used the horn... well it stuck and kept honking until she honked back a bunch of times and drove away.. she was really hacked off then... I had to pull over and stop laughing cause she was really steamed. About half the people on the road shouldn't be allowed to have a car.

Only half?????? :eyebrow:
That's one of the best things about motorcycle+full face helmet. If you make a fool out of yourself you can zip away anonymously.

What part od Washington are you in, y0uki11edkenny?
i live in Puyallup and work at Microsoft in Redmond so i make the I-405 to 167 run on my bike everyday so i am always close to Seattle and Tacoma
The Chinook Pass on the backside of Mt. Rainier opens tomorrow, perhaps a mountain loop is in order one of these days. Do you have any weekdays off? I can only assume that SR 410 is no fun on the weekends, probably filled with cagers and angry Harleys.
Chinook Pass that will be new for me I am off on sat and sun so ya we should get a Washington group together and do a fz6r-form ride :D

...but I decided to giver her a little love tap of the horn just to let her know she screwed up.

when i was skimming over this and read the words "love tap" i immediately imagined you sneaking up on this women and hitting her car window. but when i re-read it i saw the word "horn". lol

I honked at her for a good 30 seconds before I could get it unstuck...I felt so ashamed, but what can you do?

and dont feel bad, she prolly didn't hear you if you are using the stock horn. speaking of which, i need to get a better one asap, but for the time being golf balls will just have to wrk. :justkidding:
