So I..


New Member
Its the ones that do this crap on public roads... 90 mph on freeway on-ramps... etc ;) Professional or not, keep it off of public roads.

BTW... what were you doing on the ZX that got the officer to flip his lights at ya? Then heard your exhaust and just knew better? ;)

47 in a 45, It's taking back the highways here this weekend. There's already been over 400 people ticketed by the pull overs. It's just a thing they do here,


New Member
As for the 1 mile wheelie...if you got the be it. I don't recommend you do it in traffic or around a bunch of folks but out in the sticks...who cares.

There's a huge ass difference on splitting cars on the white line on one tire at 90 and doing 70 on the interstate for 20 minutes to get to a deserted area to practice stunting and racing. If someone gave you an abandoned airstrip 3 miles long you wouldn't use it to your advantage?


Super Moderator
Hey, as long as its not on public roads, go for it ;). I would love to have an abandoned air strip...


New Member
Does the word "Squid" mean anything to you?

All I can say is pull your head out and think. It's not cool, studdly, bitchin', down-with-it, etc. to get yourself and others hurt. It is just stupid.

One of the reasons why I stopped contributing to this site for a while
