So, how reliable is the Neutral light?


New Member
Maybe it's what the MSF instructors said of the MSF bikes. Perhaps it's my best friend who has a BMW F650GS who said at least his bike is notorious for a false neutral light... in your guys' experience, how reliable is the Neutral light for our FZ6Rs?? I haven't had any issues yet, but my odo shows <300mi on it so far...


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New Member

Meaning... when it's green are you really in neutral? (YES)

Has anyone been in neutral without the light being on? (NO)

My answers are in the bold parenthesis.


New Member
I suppose I should clarify...

"Has anyone had the neutral light illuminated, but not actually in neutral?"


New Member
i suppose i should clarify...

"has anyone had the neutral light illuminated, but not actually in neutral?"

not I said the blue bike! :D


New Member
I suppose I should clarify...

"Has anyone had the neutral light illuminated, but not actually in neutral?"

Nope. I've seen it flash as I shift from first to second, and that caught my attention, but have never had a false neutral... so far. Always a first for everything, but yet to experience it.


New Member
never had the light on and it not be in neutral, removed the kick stand sensor on both bikes though, so be careful if you do that. weight savings was pretty nil.


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New Member
never had the light turn green and the bike not be in nuetral.

I still, however, always have hand on break and let the clutch out slowly.

I recommend you do the same, cause you dont want to be the first one to post....

"Nuetral light sometimes lies...." :eek:


New Member
I had one false neutral while on the freeway between 4th and 5th. What was interesting is the neutral light actually turned on o_O


New Member
i haven't had a false neutral yet.

but, i have have times where i'm pretty sure it's in neutral but the light just doesn't illuminate.

it's not consistent, so i'm not sure if i'm just not clicking it all the way in, or what... i'd say 98.5% it works fine.

but, there were a few times i could've sworn it's in neutral but the light just wouldn't come on. maybe the newbie in me got the better of me?


New Member
Glad to hear that it's good most of the time! To Detrich's point, I'd rather have the light NOT illuminate when in neutral, than having the light illuminate and it's really in gear!

I'm pretty much like Verranth--I hold the front brake pretty firmly and let the clutch out super slowly... kinda awkward, but is safer I guess.
