Security / Alarm System Insurance Discounts


Elite Member
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i would make sure you lock it down bigtime.

front / rear disc locks., alarm type

alarm with pager if possible

and also some type of huge ass chain & anchor system.

bolt that sucker down to floor or wall

they steal bikes from apt complexes all the time, research it on net.

thats the one spot they target most.
I have a couple safety measures already in place. this thread is more for the various types of discounts that different insurance providers offer so members can have an idea of what is out there when making a decision about what security system to get. there's already plenty of threads on how to secure your bike and other security concerns so that's why i didn't get into that on this thread. but i appreciate the input anyway.
yup, just trying to look out for ya man.
im in process of gettin bike / ins, etc, and read all the horror stories about apt complexes.

im in south fla.
40 yrs old
quoted $1400 year full coverage 2013 fz6r
state min $100
state + medical (10k) = $600 year

and lastly , $1080 yr =state, medical 10k, and comp only, no collision

if you alarm it, amke sure to hide the alarm / wiring real good, make it blend in with factory wiring, impossible to find and cut / disable.
