Rider down



Hi. My name is Giannis. I live on the island of Rhodes in Greece. Yesterday at about noon about a kilometer from home there was a serious accident between two bikes. A guy riding a Kawasaki ZZR 1100 was rushing on his way to the hospital because his father had a mild heart attack. As he was crossing an intersection another rider on a small bike crossed the intersection hitting him. The guy on the small bike (moped) is ok with only a couple of bruises. The other guy ( I didn't know him personally) passed away. Even more of a tragedy is that when his father found out he had another heart attack and passed away. I never met them. I don't even know their names but I feel awful and very scared...
RIP Rider, and Riders Father...Terrible day for the family, my condolences to all that are effected by their double tragedy.
RIP fellow rider. :(

Let that serve us as a reminder to ride safely, even when we feel like rushing.
Terrible tragedy, so sad:(

RIP and best wishing to everyone else in their life.

Unbelievably sad.
That is horrible! RIP to them both.

Please keep your head about you even when in an emergency!
this is horrible...teaches us to slow down and keep our eyes and mind open
