

New Member
:eek: OMG, I was looking around and found some forum with a link to this place.

After going through it, I was shaking and was scared to ride anymore. :(

I am feeling better now, and feel like I will be driving EXTREMELY safe for a while now.

I bet this site cools jets off anyone who has been twisting that throttle a little too much.

Have any of you guys seen/heard of this site?

(BEWARE: the site is GRAPHIC)
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Saw it a while ago. Definitely scary.

But the deal is... Riding IS Dangerous. No way around it. You need to realize what can happen and its up to you if you feel like you want to accept the reality of what may happen.
Yep, that's a total downer for sure. Even with the horrific nature of the site, I have been there many times. It's a sobering reminder of what can happen when you don't wear the proper kind or amount of safety gear.

I want to send it to a co-worker who NEVER wears any gear besides a helmet, he comes to work on his bike wearing a polo shirt, shorts, and sandles on hot days.. I am still in full gear not even chancing it...

I think it may offend him or piss him off though...
I always get scared out of riding for a bit when I see things like that. It really stresses safety. I just came back from a ride before seeing this... it's hot, but I wore all my gear with my high-visibility vest over-top for a short ride. It was quite hot... but after seeing this, I am glad I always suit-up.

Ride responsibly. ;)
Saw it a while ago. Definitely scary.

But the deal is... Riding IS Dangerous. No way around it. You need to realize what can happen and its up to you if you feel like you want to accept the reality of what may happen.

I can never let my gf see this site. She would probably never want to ride with me again.


the next time she wants me to punch it, I'll just take a choice pic of one of the girls with the skin rash. :rof:

Yeah, I'm still riding, even after all those pics and videos. After all, there are people who ride for decades and they live long fulfilling lives.
I can never let my gf see this site. She would probably never want to ride with me again.


the next time she wants me to punch it, I'll just take a choice pic of one of the girls with the skin rash. :rof:

Yeah, I'm still riding, even after all those pics and videos. After all, there are people who ride for decades and they live long fulfilling lives.

Yeah same here, she is worried for me as it is, but I tell her I ride safely and have no urges to race or anything else. Which I don't.

I am curious anyone know if the whole Organ donor sticker would help people get out of tickets?

However we really don't know what happened in those pictures (I did not want to see the vids).

Was a 18 year old noob with a liter bike? Was it a 50 year old midlife crises noob on a liter bike? Who knows? All I can say is keep your wits about you, ride safe and within your ability. Always assume you are invisible and that all cagers are trying to kill you. Ride defensively and follow the law. Even if the law does not require it, wear your gear!

Of course this does not mean you won't have an accident, but I'll bet anyone that it will increase your chances of never having one!

Ride safe!
I regret looking at that site and I only looked at the pictures....no vids. I'm a strong believer in safety, full gear, and responsible riding all the time and I understand the risks of riding, but seeing those images didn't seem to help me with anything at all. They made me sick to my stomach and I avoided riding yesterday because of them. Everyone should understand the risks and ride safely, but I think these images will only put fear in your head. And although fear can keep you alive, it can also cloud your mind or cause you to react incorrectly, ending in disaster. I know for a fact that next time I'm riding I'll be thinking about what I saw instead of focusing 100% on the road. Damnit!
I watched those videos and I have to say that it looks like a good portion of those accidents could have been avoided if the biker was more aware of what is going on as well. One example is the first vid a car is turning into a gas station and the biker flies right into it. If he slowed down and prepared just in case it would have been avoided. Same goes for a lot of the others.

I guess a lot of those pictures have to do with the driver at fault not just other vehicles.
I regret looking at that site and I only looked at the pictures....no vids. I'm a strong believer in safety, full gear, and responsible riding all the time and I understand the risks of riding, but seeing those images didn't seem to help me with anything at all. They made me sick to my stomach and I avoided riding yesterday because of them. Everyone should understand the risks and ride safely, but I think these images will only put fear in your head. And although fear can keep you alive, it can also cloud your mind or cause you to react incorrectly, ending in disaster. I know for a fact that next time I'm riding I'll be thinking about what I saw instead of focusing 100% on the road. Damnit!

Sorry to hear that man. Though...i did warn you. Should I make the warning bigger?

I dont want people being scared to drive.

Recalling on that evening when I drove home, it was the first time i actually felt "scared" while riding. Yesterday, I was not scared but was more vigilent. It definetly slowed me down through some of those turns I kept pushing before. And, though I was "pushing" the turns, the tires on my bike cant lie. The ..."chicken strips" (is that what they are called? - the unused part of t he tire on the edge) do not lie. I have about another half an inch on the right and over an inch on the left. Apparantly, there is still plenty to lean on. I wish I had more turns to use up the left side...:rolleyes:
Sorry to hear that man. Though...i did warn you. Should I make the warning bigger?

I dont want people being scared to drive.

Recalling on that evening when I drove home, it was the first time i actually felt "scared" while riding. Yesterday, I was not scared but was more vigilent. It definetly slowed me down through some of those turns I kept pushing before. And, though I was "pushing" the turns, the tires on my bike cant lie. The ..."chicken strips" (is that what they are called? - the unused part of t he tire on the edge) do not lie. I have about another half an inch on the right and over an inch on the left. Apparantly, there is still plenty to lean on. I wish I had more turns to use up the left side...:rolleyes:

It's not that you didn't warn me....human nature is curious so even though someone posts a warning, most people will go ahead anyway. I'm feeling better today and will probably go riding though...can't keep it in the garage forever!
It's not that you didn't warn me....human nature is curious so even though someone posts a warning, most people will go ahead anyway. I'm feeling better today and will probably go riding though...can't keep it in the garage forever!

:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:Doooooo iiiiiTTTTTT! :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

Don't go to this site...it is of no benefit to bike riders. Bad things can happen to anyone at just about any time....are you going to stop driving your car because of a possible crash, or stop flying because of the possibilities there. Obviously riding a bike has its risks, but so does just about everything else. Ride carefully, but not scared or timid.....if I got to the point of scared/timid I would give it up.
