Question for those who installed T-Rex frame sliders.


New Member
Does the left slider come off the engine at < 90 deg ?
and the right one more like 90 ?

Just wondering.
Does the left slider come off the engine at < 90 deg ?
and the right one more like 90 ?

Most people who've installed them added extra washers under the left-side bracket. Without the washers, the bracket will contact the engine case, which I guess could cause the slider to sit an angle.
here's a pic


and another

Does the left slider come off the engine at < 90 deg ?
and the right one more like 90 ?

Just wondering.

Throw a washer in at the front mounting bracket and your problems will be solved - that's what I did and it worked great (it's my bike that T-Rex uses for their promo photos etc).

did the left fairing have enough clearance from the left adapter? or did you just bend it to install or cut a piece of for clearance to prevent it from flexing?
I certainly had an interesting time installing the T-Rex sliders....They had been out of stock for awhile when I ordered them...I had to call and they said they JUST got them back in, and that they had changed them....Well I couldnt use the "How To" for them cause neither one of the sliders had a notch in them for a fairing. It had its own instructions, but it also explained that one should have a notch, and it was basically a simpler version of our "How To"....I was fairly sure I had got the wrong kit, but I decided to try it anyways.

I still don't know if I did it right, but it worked. But I do not know what the actual question pertains to, cause I didn't have that problem.

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thanks. looks like my install, the intructions it came with does not mention the right adapter that it came with, it just says that the right slider is a direct install with the notch lined up with the fairing. the left side you have to make a couple of adjustments, basically have the adapter between the 5 and the 6 o'clock position so that the fairing does not hit it. i really thought they sent me the wrong kit but i was also doing the install @ 2 am in the morning when my brain wasnt upto thinking about anything but installing the sliders. lol
