Question about XBOX live, message system



Hi anyone,

My wife & I decided to get an XBOX 360, I've signed up for the Silver account but we're not too sure if we want to pay extra for the Gold Account.

I'm aware in order to play online against someone, I'd need a Gold Account, but does anybody know if I'm able to send or received instant messages or regular messages with my silver account to and from a gold account member?

Go Gold we can rock some heads-up games.....been playing tiger09 and madden09 lately....anyone wants to add me as a friend, my name is 'Lazamus'
Go gold and buy Halo3! will change your
Go gold and get a netflix account. You will soon be able to stream an unlimited number of movies to your television instantly.

The netflix/microsoft partnership will happen this fall.
Thanks guys! My gamertag is "Max FSRxc".

I'll add you later 'Lazamus'

Gaming is actually not new to me, I sort of took a break from it while working on my moto license.

I was a huge PC gamer, Halo CE doing the multiplayer thing; Tried the Halo 2 PC multiplayer but I refused to pay for the gold account just for 1 game. The multiplayer community was weak because of that.
Then switched over to BF2 but stopped playing once EA said my CD-Key was no longer valid?

Now, my 2 year old PC is outdated.

I’ve picked up Halo 3 & GTA 4 for XBOX 360 so far. I’m trying out the demo for BF Bad Company, how’s the multiplayer in that game? Should I wait for BF3?

I think I’ll go Gold once the riding season is over.
Oh yeah gta iv been playing on line and love it. Same gamer tag as here.

Bad company is all about the multiplayer the online play is epic and little difficult at first but the unlocks and rank system will keep it fresh and interesting.

P.S. theres nothing quite like running into a building just to have the whole thing crumble to framework due to an artillery strike =P
