Pics of Madstad Engineering windscreen


New Member
Took less than 1 hr to take old one off and put this on.
Haven't taken it for a spin yet. Will update this thread with results.
Original screen was loud! The wind used to hit me right around my collar.


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Madstad windscreen review

ok. Here goes my review:

Cost $279. I got the smoke color. Cheaper if you get clear.
RoboBracket 3pc System for the FZ6R - 18" Sport CR Smoke Shield

Took about 1hr to install.
(Would have been less if the original screws didnt start stripping. Take note. It does come with replacement metal screws when old windscreen would be.)

First ride about 15 mins ago. Was dark so didn't go too fast.
Mostly 40 with brief moments at 50-55.

I rode with no ear plugs.
and the wind noise was.... drum roll.... VERY VERY LOW.
I could hear the engine clearly.
To check, I stood on the pegs and when my helmet rose just a few inches up (maybe 4 or so) there was the wind sound just as loud as before.
Then I sat back down, ahhhh..... quiet. Nice.

Sitting upright comfortably, I'd say the windscreen comes to my chin.
(I'm 5'10" I know it looks big in the pics, but when its in front of you it doesn't seem large)

So is it worth $279, I'd say yes if you want to keep your hearing.
Yes if you ride highways.

I ride mostly city, with occasional highway.
But every year, some guys from work and I do an all day trip.
I'm looking forward to a quiet ride. :D
I just wear ear plugs unless I'm only going a few blocks.

Thanks for the review. Glad you are enjoying your purchase !
To each their own, but man that thing is obnoxious lol. Reminds me of a windscreen on a harley.
If it adds to your enjoyment of the bike... go for it.

I have the Puig touring screen, and I was once told my bike looked like the Queen Alien... but, it works, and *I* like it. It's all about modding the bike to *your* taste --

Enjoy the quiet... the lack of ear plugs... and being able to hear what you *need* to hear around you...
