Paper cocain


New Member
So I'm at the bar right...and my co worker from back in the day is in for a grand on pulltabs lol

Holy shiot



I am here:,-94.050480
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk
I have a dilemma, I'm really wanting some cereal, and currently in my pantry I have a choice between Cinnamon toast crunch, lucky charms, and frosted mini wheats. Now I could feel exotic and take the toast crunch, I could eat a magical bowl of lucky charms, or I could go to bed feeling like a champ after a bowl of mini wheats. halp
He just put in another $500 and was about to cry when the guy next to us put in $10 and pulled a $225 and the guy to the right pulled two $50's and a $100 at the same time hahaha omfg and now he is pulling out his check book again. Holy fark nuts!!!!

Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk
Hes in for $1900 when I left....I was tired of seeing it.
in the begining it had humor. now its just sad.
That really is sad. I hope he gets it straight( unless he is simply sitting on millions)

He makes $8-$12000 a month...but still. He spent atleast 1/4 of his paycheck on pulltabs.
