o ring chain?


New Member
I dont know much about chains, none the less "o-ring" chains.. but when I think o-ring I think of a black rubber ring....

I just cleaned and lubed my chain according to a video I watched, and I just noticed this 2 days later (40 miles)...


It is like a black goop around the o-ring area, make me worry about my chain and that maybe I did it wrong and the o-rings are melting or something...

Cant someone school me??

I know I really got the lube down in the area where the black goop is coming out of so I am not sure what it can be...


Can you tell us what you used to clean the chain for a brush and solvent? That will help!


New Member
Can you tell us what you used to clean the chain for a brush and solvent? That will help!

Motorex spray on cleaner, I sprayed it on then used a paint brush to get in into the chain, the chain looked like new after cleaning, then I used PJ1 blue label lube, and put 2 complete coats on the chain..


Looks like stuff deep down within the chain that the Motorex was not able to flush out, mixing with the PJ1 and getting slung out, doesn't look like anything to be overly concerned about, but I'm no expert! :)


Motorex spray on cleaner, I sprayed it on then used a paint brush to get in into the chain, the chain looked like new after cleaning, then I used PJ1 blue label lube, and put 2 complete coats on the chain..

Maybe it would have helped to hose the chain off and dry it first. blaxx has a point and this might be left over stuff that was on the chain and the PJ1 didn't mix well with it. Try cleaning it again and hose it off then dry it. You can take the bike around the block a few times to warm up the chain and get it really dry. Then, come back and put the PJ1 back on again after you thoroughly inspect the o-rings for breaks or other damage.

I think you're ok though... :thumbup:


New Member
oh.... the video i watched didnt way anything about washing off the chain after cleaning but it makes since!

Thanks guys!! Is not rubber, its a black liquid that I can wipe off, its not pieces of rubber or anything..

I am thinking about going to harbor freight and picking up with that rear wheel cleaning stand or swing arm stand, to make the cleaning ALOT easier, damn FZ6R doesnt have a center stand!


I wonder if it is because of the stock can under there. Has anyone checked to see if the XJ6 cnter stand would work with the US FZ6R? The Euro site sells the center stand. Heck, it might be worth it JUST to put the bike on, pin it then remove it when the maint is done... if it will not fully install and retract that is.


New Member
Looks like the black stuff that leaches out and flings off when I used to use PJ1, I stopped using it for that very reason. I have been using Bel Ray chain lube (the white stuff) and no problems since.
