New Rider WV


New Member
Hello All,
I'm finally able to say that I am a proud owner of a motorcycle, and that it is an FZ6R.

It is my first bike, and I have limited time and exposure to motorcycles, but I am scheduled for the MSF course in May, and I will be receiving my trial by fire in learning in the hills and mountains of northern WV.

I'm sure there have been many questions asked here about what do i do in regards to (insert scenario here) as a first rider, so I wont post any of those, but try to read and find out for myself.

Little boring background about me:
I'm a gun enthusiast/ FFL Dealer and enjoy hiking. I was going to purchase an FZ6R about 5 years ago, but I met my now-wife and she was completely against it. Now she is entertaining the thought of a ninja 300 for herself and will be taking the MSF course with me to see how she likes it.

I've always wanted a bike through high school and college, and was close to getting a ninja 500 a couple of times and was entertaining the thought of a buell for a while, but always came back to yamaha.

In any case, I just wanted to register here and start sponging knowledge and maybe meet a few folks here and find some riding people for the weekends.

Take Care
- Freeze
I'm in the Morgantown/ Preston County Area. I actually live in Preston county and am looking forward to the day when I can ride 50 all the way out and down into the Canaan Valley area and into Seneca Rocks/ Spruce knob area.
it's an awesome ride, I've ridden 50 from home back to my hometown in OH many times! And spent a week at a rental house in Canaan Vally, definitely not roads for new riders though, takes a lot of body work to ride the hills and switchbacks, lots of focus and not freaking out with the hundreds of ft drop offs with no guard rails :eek:

I hear you on that. I'm hoping that I can pick it up quickly since my morning commute will be going down the Kingwood Pike at 4:30 every morning. I'm pretty level headed with my driving skills as far as not speeding and being a general jerk, and I'm hoping that translates into the bike even though it will be a whole different world. I've been mentally preparing myself for a few weeks every time I drive in my own vehicle, but I know there is no substitute for experience.

I will say I am in a state absolute excitement with an equal amount of scared to death, and I respect the machine for what it can do, and realize what I CANT do yet on it, so that helps to keep me in check.

I rode an SV650 around a parking lot when I was in college and took to it ok, but never was exposed to the rigors of main road riding with other motorists and real turning/ leaning, so I always thought: Ehh, Im a big guy, so an inline 4 cylinder wont have a lot of low end to really do anything to me, but Just feathering the clutch on the FZ when I moved it around the garage, I now understand that machine doesn't care if I'm on it or not.
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