My first lay- HELP!!


New Member
Well, I finally did it... I laid my poor baby down the other night when someone decided to cut me off mid-turn. I couldn't save this one and my girl skidded a good 10 feet down the road.
I don't see any obvious mechanical issues with her, but she's at the shop having a once over to make sure.
I'm looking for help and advice to find cosmetic parts that won't break the bank too badly. The biggest cosmetic damage is to the left fairing, left engine house, and shifter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
PS. i have a 2010 FZ6R- white and red fairings.
Glad you're alright. Also even more glad that you're playing it smart and getting the bike looked over.

If you need to save money, just pay for the mechanical repairs now and leave the cosmetic damage. Winter is coming, so just save some cash to dress her for the ball in the spring.

Well, I finally did it... I laid my poor baby down the other night when someone decided to cut me off mid-turn. I couldn't save this one and my girl skidded a good 10 feet down the road.
I don't see any obvious mechanical issues with her, but she's at the shop having a once over to make sure.
I'm looking for help and advice to find cosmetic parts that won't break the bank too badly. The biggest cosmetic damage is to the left fairing, left engine house, and shifter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
PS. i have a 2010 FZ6R- white and red fairings.

I usually go to for oem parts. But I'm glad you're okay. Everyone lays their bike down at some point. At least you've gotten past that barrier now :)
