
Elite Member


New Member
I found that out also. I always ride around 6-7k rpms and get good mileage. I think it has something to do with the power-band.


Super Moderator
Elite Member


New Member
I've noticed the same thing recently too.

Side question: How high is too high an rpm to hold steady?

I bought my 2011 FZ6R new. Now I have just under 22,000 miles on it. Almost all of my miles are from commuting on the highway to work. I have an 80 mile commute daily. About 70 miles of that is on the highway with a steady RPM of 7,000. So with some quick estimating that about 17,000 miles traveled at 7k RPM. No issues yet. If it turns into a grenade sometime, I'll be sure to post

Pinarello Rider

New Member
Mine went up to around 50mpg when I held it at 5.5k, shifting closer to 7k. Still in break in period, so we'll see what happens when I start to really drive it.
