Moto GP lovers!!

Reasons why I would do it:

1.) balance to go deeper into a corner.
2.) weight transfer to help get into corner smoother.
3.) make yourself wider to prevent being out broke into a corner.
4.) stretch my legs 100+ laps is a lot.
5.) chicks dig it bro.

Here is the reason the leg comes off the peg before a corner.

When you hit the brakes as you come into a turn, the G forces generated are very high. The G forces literally pull your shift leg forward like it weighs 300 pounds and your brake leg is pushing on the brake pedal. After a few laps keeping the leg on the peg while slowing for a turn gets increasingly tough to do. Even on a 50cc NSR50, you are doing about 50 at the end of a straight away and you wait until the last possible nanosecond to hit the brakes and stop so fast you are almost locking up the wheels. towards the end of a race my shift foot comes off the peg at the end of the straight because I'm too tired to stop it.
Now think about a MotoGP bike at 180 mph and they hit the carbon fiber brakes and come to a very sudden slowdown to setup for the turn.

It's a lot easier to let the leg float out during the high G force part of the slow down and then put the foot on the peg and position yourself for the turn. If you watch the racers close, you will see them do it a lot more at the end of a long straight away as they aggressively bleed more speed than a shorter straight. They don't do it in the s turns even if they need to slow down because they need both feet on the pegs to get into position for the next turn.
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