Lost Boys The Tribe



Has anyone seen this one yet?

I rented it last night and though, it wasnt terrible it wasn't as good as the first one. I like Vampire Movies so I had to check it out.

The Cast was nothing to write home about either, though it does have Keifer Sutherlands son Angus in it and it brought back Corey Feldman as Frog.

I guess to sum it up the best parts about the movie were the Surfing and the Mororcycles, oh and Frog has a pretty good line at the end of the movie, if you watch it you will know what I am talking about...

Anyhow just my .02
never heard of it, I loved the original Lost Boys!!! I'll have to check it out
Same here have got lost boys on disc never heard of this one.

Just did a search can see only been released this year, will have to keep eyes open.
I saw it last week, not too bad. I also love Vampire flicks:thumbup:
Was Corey Haim in it? Just wondering because on "the two corey's" show he was a bit "under the weather" ya might say...:eek: Didn't look like he could learn his lines from the stuff he was takin'.

Was Corey Haim in it? Just wondering because on \"the two corey's\" show he was a bit \"under the weather\" ya might say...:eek: Didn't look like he could learn his lines from the stuff he was takin'.

No it was Corey Feldman.
