Lost a fellow rider and good friend

David and John I'm deeply sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, please accept my condolences.
Sorry to hear it, man. My off the other day made me think long and hard as well.

I can't really say anything else that hasn't already been said so I won't try.
Sorry to hear this. The Danish season has started bad as well.


I know nothing can ease your, his family's, pain....but so very sorry to hear this. My condolences.

Let us know if there will be any kind of donations set up.

R.I.P "Poncho"
John, David... I am very sorry that you've lost a friend and fellow rider. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.

RIP Danny. You're good friends here have said this place is a bit less joyful without you. You will be missed by many.
Thank you all!

I'm saddened by the the loss of your friend....and I hope what you mean by your last sentance is that you are just going to be extra careful.......

I've been looking at the bikes a bit differently not because I plan to get rid of them, or to be extra careful riding them (that's been the case already), but because my mind's been full of motorcycle stuff for the past few weeks due to the track bike... I've been spending quite a lot of time working on it, thinking about it, ordering parts for it, etc etc... and suddenly a friend dies while riding... he leaves a great family behind... all of a sudden you start wondering if you aren't putting too much focus on the wrong things... maybe I should be thinking more of my wife and kid, and a bit less about when my braided brake lines will be delivered?
I can tell you that since Saturday, I spend a bit less time in the garage and more with my wonderful wife and daughter... as some of you mentioned above, it's this type of news that makes you realize what's really important in your life...
I still love my bikes though :)


I know nothing can ease your, his family's, pain....but so very sorry to hear this. My condolences.

Let us know if there will be any kind of donations set up.

R.I.P "Poncho"

Thanks J, if anyone wants to donate, even if only a few bucks to help his wife and young kids, here is the link: Board Message

Choose "Danny's family" in the goal pull-down menu.

Thanks all again for the kind words.
I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and his family.
Thank you all!

I've been looking at the bikes a bit differently not because I plan to get rid of them, or to be extra careful riding them (that's been the case already), but because my mind's been full of motorcycle stuff for the past few weeks due to the track bike... I've been spending quite a lot of time working on it, thinking about it, ordering parts for it, etc etc... and suddenly a friend dies while riding... he leaves a great family behind... all of a sudden you start wondering if you aren't putting too much focus on the wrong things... maybe I should be thinking more of my wife and kid, and a bit less about when my braided brake lines will be delivered?
I can tell you that since Saturday, I spend a bit less time in the garage and more with my wonderful wife and daughter... as some of you mentioned above, it's this type of news that makes you realize what's really important in your life...
I still love my bikes though :)

Thanks J, if anyone wants to donate, even if only a few bucks to help his wife and young kids, here is the link: Board Message

Choose "Danny's family" in the goal pull-down menu.

Thanks all again for the kind words.

All motorcyclist have chosen to take the risk, but it's how far up the ladder you are willing to take. Obviously, an urge for hitting the twisties on public roads is a much higher risk than hitting them at the track.

I think as long as you keep the risks low, you should be able to enjoy your bike. But just in case, especially if you have a family, be responsible enough to have good insurance so that your family is financially taken care of in the event of an accident.
I've only just come across this sad, sad news.

I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and as one who has to deal with road incidents, know all to well the effect it has on the family, friends and those who deal with them, you have my prayers and best wishes, but I wish I could do more.

As an occasional user of this great Forum, I have read posts of just a few words and many to your thread, but you must know we your riding Brothers and Sisters stand by you and your friends family as one.

The one thing that shines above all is the spirit of riding and just how it binds us, no matter where in the World we come from and regardless of our jobs, creed, religion etc and from this you can take our collective support.

Take care.

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to type such kind thoughts. This man touched many lives and all of them are having a tough time with this. There is a gathering of friends tomorrow night and a memorial Friday, this should help everyone to clear the air and remember those special moments with Pancho.

I went for a long ride today, my 1st since Dannys death. I was a bit nervous for a while but the necessity to focus caused me to dig in and ride with a purpose. As usual, getting on a motorcycle demands complete concentration, leaving no time or memory resources available to think about problems. And so, mission accomplished. I have a trackday this Saturday and wanted to be sure I could perform safely.
David, I looked as the pictures you put on flickr.

RIP :(

I went for a long ride today, my 1st since Dannys death. I was a bit nervous for a while but the necessity to focus caused me to dig in and ride with a purpose.

I didn't know him, but I kept thinking about Pancho today when I was riding. I had a similar experience today...it was just a weird ride...I was kinda feeling spooked at times, really focused at times, and just enjoying the sunshine other times.

Sorry guys
RIP Pancho! Deepest sympathy to family and friends of the fallen rider...
...I didn't know him, but I kept thinking about Pancho today when I was riding...

Pancho was in the back of my mind the entire ride today as well. I didn't let it spook me or take away from the ride, rather I just kept it to my own pace and enjoyed the perfect day on some amazing roads.

I thought about how little it takes for a lot to go wrong and made sure to keep an eye on my mirror as I was leading a good friend that hadn't ridden canyons for a while, and although he's a better rider than I am I was worrying that I'd hit a straight and not see him come around the previous turn.

All we can do is learn from and remember others, ride our own ride, and at the end of the day just say a little thanks for a great ride and safe return.

may he ride in peace....Thoughts and concern to you Wavex and to his family, I am sure everyone who knew him are hurting in equal measure at his loss. I lost my best friend in June of 07, so I know how bad it can hurt. I just hope that we can all take this to heart and remember how precious our friends are to us and how much we mean to the other people in our lives.....Ride safe all
