Lost a fellow rider and good friend

Holy Sh1t David,
I am so sorry, I really enjoyed reading the thread where these pictures are from.
He seemed like a very experienced rider.

Rest in peace.


I remember that thread to Nelly.
RIP Pancho.
Thanks guys... John and I were dumbfounded when we heard the news... I had never had a friend die in a crash, and this just made it way too real too quickly for me...
John knew him better than I did... it just plain sucks to loose such an awesome dude... he was one of these guys that instantly makes you feel good when you meet him...
I am even more horrified to think about his family and 2 kids... it's a very rough feeling because I am of course sad for them, but also because it makes me think about my own pregnant wife and kid... I've been looking at the bikes in the garage a bit differently since Saturday...

I'm saddened by the the loss of your friend....and I hope what you mean by your last sentance is that you are just going to be extra careful.......
So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. You and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.
so sorry to hear about your loss....take the time to heal and remember the good times :)
Dave, Sorry for your loss, I have lost to many friends and it never easy and finding the words to help comfort friends and family are hard to find. My thoughts go out to you and his family.
RIP Rider :( . I think I head about this on another board and hate seeing this kind of news. Be careful out there.
I am sorry for your loss David. Thank you for posting this. We need to keep hearing these stories so as we never forget the risk we take riding and try to mitigate that as best we can.
:( always hate reading and hearing this type of thing but thank you for posting. We are with you and the families, just makes you realize that you dont need to sweat the small stuff - enjoy life and those around you.
Wow Dave, I am so sorry for yours and John's loss. I never met Danny, but you guys always spoke very highly of him and I am sure he will be missed.

I recall hearing about a year ago that they (CalTrans) is supposed to be researching a new design for guard rails because of the injuries they cause motorcyclists. Those that survive a collision with a metal guard rail risk serious injury that may be worse than if there was no guard rail at all!:spank: I hope our friend here is yet another example to motivate the government to speed up this process.

My prayers are with Danny's family. Let me know if you guys need anything at all.
Danny (Pancho) was my friend.

He and I met about 2 1/2 yrs. ago on a group ride with several other riders. We hit it off immediately as we shared age, music interests and a desire to ride with "passion". As time went on we found ourselves riding together without other bikes as we chose to put on the miles instead of socialize at every road junction. This morphed into other forums where we met and rode with other that shared our outlook. He was a very outgoing and friendly soul despite his somewhat intimidating appearance, and as he used to be fond of saying "Everyone knows Pancho!"

We rode 2 trackdays together to try and get our speed thrill in a safer environment, but his work and family obligations prevented him from participating as much as he wanted to. A short video of that my wife shot appears below:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kc9PVzEp8w&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Pancho @ Buttonwillow 01[/ame]

Pancho, Wavex, myself and many others from another forum were set to ride Willow Springs March 13, and Danny was getting prepared with new suspension, tires etc. Unfortunately he won't make it back to the track.

I won't go into any of the details of his accident out of respect for his family. Suffice it to say that we should always be prepared for something unexpected to happen at any time. He leaves behind a wonderful wife, two young daughters, a sister and his parents.

I miss him now. I will not forget him in the future.

Now it's time to get back on my motorcycle and ride.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what your heart feels, I lost a close friend in a helicopter crash. Our prayers are with you and his family.

You know what? If I didnt love riding so freaking much, if it didnt just make what ever is broken in my brain feel right and proper, if it didnt do something profound for all of us, I would be scared to freaking death to get on a bike.

well said brother. a lifetime away from a bike is a lifetime spent in suffering. a shorter life lived to the fullest is something very special indeed.

he will live on in his family. RIP mate.
So sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers will be with his friends and family.

It immediately opens our mind to the thought of how mortal we are and that this is only our temporary path for the unreal permanent future.

Does a caterpillar dies when it turns into a butterfly...?
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.

You mentioned looking at your bike differently. No one can tell you how to feel about that. But I can tell you how I feel: My father and other riders I know have been in accidents (never fatal). I still ride my bike. I choose to live my life and not dwell on the dangers. You are born and you will die, but it's what you do in between that matters.

RIP Fellow rider, looks like he had some skill and knowing that he was a great guy hurts even more. Thoughts are with his family and friends.
