Indiana Jones and the crystal skull



This movie was pretty cheesy. It was too far fetched (not that the others weren't), but it was gay! I definitely would not watch it again.
all I can say is Harrison's looking too old to be doing the Indy role, it just doesn't have the magic that made the other movies in the series work. I thought it was going somewhere different in the beginning, that would have been really cool, but it took a turn and I didn't care for the road it took. if you haven't seen it, your not missing much. but if you're like me, you'll watch it just for the theme song that they never even end up playing all the way through:disapprove:
It wasn't too bad. I kind of liked the beginning with the Fridge...Far Fetched yes, entertaining none the less. The ending was terrible though.
unfortunately, the whole 80s revival thing that is going on is sucking the life out of great movie series. but i am a die-hard indie fan and the only thing that was really outwardly horrible about this one was the ending..... just a little too much....
Considering Ford's age (66!) I thought his acting was great. Anyway, I'm big Indy fan. The idea of a superior alien race sharing knowledge with ancient civilizations is well thought out. I give it a :thumbup: and half.
I liked it too,sounds like you lot are hard to please :rolleyes: :rockon:
I liked some parts of it, but the best thing about it was the South Park episode it inspired.
I watched it when it came out at the movie theater and I liked it... it did have some parts that were kind of out of context, but it was in general a good movie for me...
i didn't mind the movie, (it is weird, i think that Keira and I watched it the same night as you...)

they were all cheesy, that is the point of them. but it was pretty bad is some parts...
I have yet to see it but, from what you guys are saying i might pass. I liked the other movies in the series but if they dont even play the theme song, whats the point of watching it!?

By the way i heard they are making another Beverly Hills Cop.......:rolleyes:
I think technology ruins a lot of the movies we grew up with and loved, Indiana Jones series is one. But in the other hand, the last Die Hard movie was great from a Technology stand point. Also, I can't picture my grandfather even bending over to touch his toes, and then you have Harrison Ford doing all these ridiculous stunts...are they really trying to entertain us, or really trying to pick our pockets?

Watch the originals then watch the new one and you will see that the new one is true to the originals. Campy acting, campy stunts, campy dialogue, campy plot lines. I liked it and thought that the did a good job catching the spirit.

I'm not one for the alien thing... if you watch the extras you will see lucas wanted to go way more sci fi but spielburg didn't at one point they decided not to do a normal sci fi movie because of independence day... so instead they rip off stargate and then say they arent from space they are inter dimensional...

Either way if you were a fan of the originals then you will like this movie... if you don't then you haven't seen the originals recently and are glorifying them
