Hello. New Rider from Maryland!


New Member
Evening everyone!

Hello, all. I just bought my 2012 Yamaha FZ6R a couple of days ago. Not only is it my first FZ6R, it is my first bike.. ever. :3

I'm a brand new rider from Maryland. In fact, I don't even have my endorsement yet, but I will be getting that next month after taking the BRC. I can feel the excitement brewing.

Just wanted to say hi and see if there are any other bikers near my area for some small chat and advice for a beginner.

Hope to hear from some of you soon! Cheers!

(Also, thank you for the admin who helped me create this account. I've been looking forward to joining this forum since looking at FZ6Rs)
Thanks for the welcomes, guys!

Where are you in MD? There's a decent sized group of us from Fredneck down through Rockville that ride together. Great group of people.


I am from the Baltimore/Howard County area. Haven't been down in Rockville for a long while. Only time I head towards Silver Spring area/Montgomery County is to take the metro to D.C. because it's such a pain in the butt to park.. but I guess that shouldn't be much of a problem now. :rolleyes:

It'd be awesome to meet up with some people. Learn the ropes. I'm a serious novice but have been looking at motorcycle riding for a long, long time, now. I'm stoked to finally stop dreaming and start doing. A little afraid, but who isn't the first time?:eek:
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Thanks for the welcomes, guys!

I am from the Baltimore/Howard County area. Haven't been down in Rockville for a long while. Only time I head towards Silver Spring area/Montgomery County is to take the metro to D.C. because it's such a pain in the butt to park.. but I guess that shouldn't be much of a problem now. :rolleyes:

It'd be awesome to meet up with some people. Learn the ropes. I'm a serious novice but have been looking at motorcycle riding for a long, long time, now. I'm stoked to finally stop dreaming and start doing. A little afraid, but who isn't the first time?:eek:

Welcome to the board. I live in Baltimore, but work in Howard County and just bought a 2013 FZ6R. Not my first bike, but if you want to go riding sometime just hit me up. :)
Hey guys, thanks for the welcomes, again.

I haven't been around, had super busy schedule.

I actually took my bike out for the first time the other day.. did.. okay-ish. Then boom, dropped it. :(

I was lucky, no scratches on the fairings. However, one of my front turning signals is just hanging off. I was planning on replacing it when flush signals anyway - but I didn't want this to have been the reason I wanted to replace it. Boo.

I'm still having issues with balance.. and am still afraid to go faster - even though my experienced friends keep telling me balancing is easier done when your pick up a bit more speed.. guess I'm just a scaredy-cat. But, I haven't lost hope. The BRC is still next month and hopefully I can gather as much information and help from that. I'm still excited.. even though I'm getting off on a slow start. Like I said before, I've wanted to do this forever and a day so I am determined. Just gotta shake off the nervousness and relax. Whew.

So, I'm looking through the forums and found one on sliders and how to install them. I think it'll be best for me to buy a set and install them for the next just-in-case scenario. I guess I may as well replace my lights while I'm at it. Never done any of this before, but it'll be a good learning curve and project as the weather gets nicer.

Any real pointers on balance? Or do I really just have to relax and not think too much about it? So nervous.. :eek:

Thanks guys, for the forum, the how to's (Since I'll definitely be needing those) and just all around good stuff. Cheers =]
I think you've identified the biggest problem, riding without BRC. You will learn a lot more than you think you will, and the nimble Nighthawk/Ninja/TU 250/whatever they put you on are great to learn on. They will give you confidence and experience.

Pushing yourself too far too fast can be trouble. I was riding with a group, started pushing corners way past my comfort level, came in WAY too hot, panicked, locked up the brakes and ended up in gravel. No idea how I kept the bike upright and out of the ditch next to where I stopped. I will say you need to push yourself a little farther each time to grow, but don't go too far too soon.

Buy some Shogun frame sliders RIGHT NOW. I'll come over when you get them and help install them for you.

As far as balance goes, this bike is top heavy and tires aren't the greatest. Many on here say it's a great beginner bike, but I still hold firm in my belief that it's a fantastic intermediate bike. Low speed balancing will be the hardest. Once you get it up to 30 or 40mph, the bike becomes very stable and basically balances itself.

Once you take the BRC I'll take you out on some nice, easy cruises. I'm definitely not the best rider in MD, but I'm a teacher by trade and do lots of research on riding technique. I ALWAYS err on the side of caution, but I'll show you what I know.

Yeah, I think I jumped the gun, was too nervous to start out and just failed. But gotta start somewhere, I guess.

I'm really looking forward to the BRC. It's for people who have little to no experience.. so it'll be just right for me.

I was looking at the shogun frame sliders. I can get them for ~$70 No Cut. I've looked around and it seems to be the average price for me. (Trying to budget as well.) The new turning signals are around ~$50 but I need to do more research on that one.

I was lucky to have a guy friend with me to help me pick the bike back up. Otherwise it would've been quite a struggle. He was non judgmental and helped me ride it back to my house after my fall. It's nice to have good friends.

I really appreciate your offer to help me install the sliders. I will definitely hold you up to that. I live off 695, though. It may be quite a haul for you to just install some frame sliders. But if you're willing, I'll let you know when I'll be available and we can schedule sometime after I get these things ordered. Thank you again.
Yeah, I think I jumped the gun, was too nervous to start out and just failed. But gotta start somewhere, I guess.

I'm really looking forward to the BRC. It's for people who have little to no experience.. so it'll be just right for me.

I was looking at the shogun frame sliders. I can get them for ~$70 No Cut. I've looked around and it seems to be the average price for me. (Trying to budget as well.) The new turning signals are around ~$50 but I need to do more research on that one.

I was lucky to have a guy friend with me to help me pick the bike back up. Otherwise it would've been quite a struggle. He was non judgmental and helped me ride it back to my house after my fall. It's nice to have good friends.

I really appreciate your offer to help me install the sliders. I will definitely hold you up to that. I live off 695, though. It may be quite a haul for you to just install some frame sliders. But if you're willing, I'll let you know when I'll be available and we can schedule sometime after I get these things ordered. Thank you again.

FZ6R I personally think is a tough first bike, i started my street riding on a small cruiser. i don't pimp the riding courses as much as everyone else because I learned to ride when I was about 12 but they are certainly not a bad idea. Nothing is a replacement for experience though. first thing is that this bike is kind of a tank so you have to be ready at low speeds and just don't crank the bars one way or the other, once your moving this bike handles so excellent. You can get cheaper flush mounts for like 10 bucks but the ones your looking at probably fit the hole exactly, there are tons of posts on the flush mounts and how to install easy LED strips in front if the cops hassle you for bad vis from the front. Check my and scott Thomas pictures. Id get the trex frame sliders and get them installed asap. Good luck and make sure you get some good gear too, check jafrum or leather up for some good items on the cheaper side.
Yeah, I think I jumped the gun, was too nervous to start out and just failed. But gotta start somewhere, I guess.

I'm really looking forward to the BRC. It's for people who have little to no experience.. so it'll be just right for me.

I was looking at the shogun frame sliders. I can get them for ~$70 No Cut. I've looked around and it seems to be the average price for me. (Trying to budget as well.) The new turning signals are around ~$50 but I need to do more research on that one.

I was lucky to have a guy friend with me to help me pick the bike back up. Otherwise it would've been quite a struggle. He was non judgmental and helped me ride it back to my house after my fall. It's nice to have good friends.

I really appreciate your offer to help me install the sliders. I will definitely hold you up to that. I live off 695, though. It may be quite a haul for you to just install some frame sliders. But if you're willing, I'll let you know when I'll be available and we can schedule sometime after I get these things ordered. Thank you again.

Take the MSF asap! It is full of information that helps you become a better confident rider. I am only 22, and took the class when I was 16. I do not regret it at all even though I dropped my bike when I was going to say hi to one of the people in the classes haha.

If you need any help with your bike just let one of us know. I've been down three times and I always got back up and went riding again. It is scary the first time though.

I'm located in Baltimore but I'm working on my bike in HoCo all the time (Near Columbia mall) and I just installed the flushmounts that I assume you plan on getting.

Anyways be safe!
Yeah, my biggest fear is dropping the bike again.. so I'm kind of cooling it off til I take that BRC. I actually work about 7 minutes away from Columbia Mall. Funny how such a small world this is. =] Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Take the MSF asap! It is full of information that helps you become a better confident rider. I am only 22, and took the class when I was 16. I do not regret it at all even though I dropped my bike when I was going to say hi to one of the people in the classes haha.

If you need any help with your bike just let one of us know. I've been down three times and I always got back up and went riding again. It is scary the first time though.

I'm located in Baltimore but I'm working on my bike in HoCo all the time (Near Columbia mall) and I just installed the flushmounts that I assume you plan on getting.

Anyways be safe!
I agree with much of what has been said thus far... get some sliders, take the course, and definitely not the easiest bike to start on. I dropped my bike 3 times (and clipped a deer) within the first 2 months of having mine... and I rode a 250 for a year before upgrading. All 3 times were in parking lots at 5mph or less because I wasn't used to the extra weight. I managed to somewhat break the fall of the first drop resulting in only a couple minor scratches that are barely noticeable. I installed the sliders after that, and they absorbed the brunt of the next two. It's definitely aggravating when it occurs, but I keep the outlook that $#!+ happens, and I'll take a drop at 5mph than a crash at 55 any day. Get back on and keep going... you'll get the hang of it all soon enough.

Thanks D52.

I was searching on google and was wondering if anyone knew of where to find sliders that actually go on the tips of the handle bars. When I dropped my bike, my clutch was bent in and the end of my handlebar got scratched up but I haven't been able to find sliders (for the handlebars) for my bike. I believe they exist.. I think I've seen them for other bike models. Any insight?
