Headlight Customization Services!


New Member
I already offer this service over on my car forum, so I figured i'll expand my horizon to here!

I will be using the same method that I used and explain here:
How to: Disassemble Headlight Assembly & Paint Interior - Triumph675.Net Forums (However for the FZ headlights the process is no where NEAR as hard, so don't worry about the marring factor in that How-to)

I can and will do anything you want within the headlight, just send me a PM and we can get to work on your design!

Anyhow, on to the actual pricing/options.

If you want me to JUST split your housing, then send it back to you to do your own interior mods and resealing:
$90 (this includes shipping back to you)

Split, paint interior, reseal, and remold (if needed) :
1 Color: $130 (this includes shipping back to you)
2 Colors $135 (this includes shipping back to you)

Split, Paint Interior, Add Projectors, Add Halo's, Reseal, and remold (if needed) :
1 Color: $250 (this includes shipping back to you)
2 Colors: $255 (this includes shipping back to you)

Split, Paint Interior, Add Projectors, Add Halo's, add "Audi" Lighting, Reseal, and Remold (if needed) :
$300, Any amount of colors (this includes shipping back to you)

I take care of my customers. I understand that no one wants to lose contact or feel like they aren't cared about by there supplier, so to ensure you that your project is going smoothly and will continue to go smoothly I:

Supply you with my personal phone, that way if you decide you want something changed, or decide you don't want an option that you said you wanted before then i'm just a call away :nod:

Each night you will receive an email with detailed pictures of how your lights currently look, and the steps that i've taken with your lights

I offer a 30 day warranty on sealing, paint, and bulbs (if you get them from me) so no need to worry, it's no questions asked, if your headlights leak, paint peels, or a bulb burns out, just give me a call and we'll get you fixed right up! :thumbup: (I've NEVER had a customer have any of that happen with my lights though, and i've sold about 60 pair.)

I also will do full one off designs, anything you want as long as it will fit in the headlight. Some examples would be:

The demon eye mod, I do not have any pics of this, I have only done it to one set of headlights, and it was back in my early days when I did not own a camera. It is just a ring of LED's behind the projector glass, that can be turned on and off remotely, when on it makes the projectors just have a smoky glow that looks very "demonic".

Vinyls inside the headlight, I've had these requested a few times actually. Alot of people request there nickname for the car in the corner of the drivers side headlight and things like that. I use a high temp clear over top of them so there's no issue with peeling.

There is plenty of other things i'm sure you guys can think of so no worries. Just shoot me a PM if you have something crazy in mind.

Anybody and everybody is welcome to use my services, no matter the country, just take into factor that shipping will be a good bit more, so the prices will go up for you guys over seas.

My turn around time is usually 2-4 days depending on the complication of the project. Sometimes less then that if it's a simple project.

Remember that if you request a superiorly custom set of headlights, the turn around time could be a small bit longer,because I do not stock everything.


New Member
I have not been here a while so forgive me..what do you mean split in two and paint? like the r1? pics pics pics.

I have been out for a while...with winter in NY its tough to get too excited about riding in winter..LOL


New Member
I have not been here a while so forgive me..what do you mean split in two and paint? like the r1? pics pics pics.

I have been out for a while...with winter in NY its tough to get too excited about riding in winter..LOL

No sir. As in removing the headlights lense, revealing the headlight housing, and painting the inside of the headlight.


New Member
All headlights are sealed and breaking that seal is risky if you aren't familier with them. These are good prices considering material costs.


Sentient Being
Elite Member


New Member
All headlights are sealed and breaking that seal is risky if you aren't familier with them. These are good prices considering material costs.

I know this. Back in the day when I did my first said of lights for my cobalt I couldn't get it back together because I warped it and ripped it so bad. That was a fail day :rolleyes: I'm good now though lol

Nice "How to" Spoolin. :thumbup:

Thank you!


Senior Member
Elite Member


New Member
I so want to do this but I just can't justify the money for it. My HID is bright, but in all honesty the night vision isn't that great because it's just not focused.

So when you do the projector, you don't rely on the reflectors in the head light at all right?

That is correct my friend.
