Got rear ended (minor)


New Member
I thought I learned a lot reading about and watching other motorcycle crashes, so although this was minor.. I thought I'd add it to the mix. Maybe an extra thing to look out for.

derpz - YouTube

My guess is that this lady wasn't paying much attention and noticed the car in the lane next to us with her peripheral vision start going (to make a right turn), and never looked in front of her? Just dumb, anyway.. no damage to my bike or her car (and I was fine), so I spent maybe 30 seconds checking for damage and then just said it was fine and got on my way again. I'm not sure if there is much of anything that could be done in this situation, but I'll be glancing at my mirror next time I'm at the front of the line and a car makes a right turn on red next to me :/
Glad you're okay... I typically keep an eye on my mirrors until a car has completely stopped behind me but here's a reason to keep an eye on your mirrors constantly when stopped.

At least the other driver didn't take off.
Glad you're okay... I typically keep an eye on my mirrors until a car has completely stopped behind me but here's a reason to keep an eye on your mirrors constantly when stopped.

At least the other driver didn't take off.

Yea I agree with you on this I always watch my mirrors until cars behind me have stopped just incase I need to brace myself I have at least an idea of what's coming

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I agree with your assumption on the complacency of the driver. I make it a habit when at stop lights and signs that have more than one lane to stop in between lanes to give more space without them entirely pulling up next to you. People won't give you clearance (especially rear clearance), when they see a bike, they assume you'll take off quickly. Glad to see you're OK, who the hell else was going to ride Palomar Mountain with me if your out of commission?
good thing everything was good! and I too agree that's what most people do they stare at their phone then start to pay attention when they notice other cars moving at witch point they floor it because they are late in reacting.. anyhow all that before they even look up! at which point too late when its still a red light and someone is in front of you.

I've seen it happen way too often recently. February alone if I include your situation, makes it 5 times that someone took off w/out looking. The worst was a guy that flat out ran the red light after a protected green turn light signaled the lane next to him. I think the fines need to be switched around, using your phone should be 600+ ticket 1st offense, 900+ second offense, and license suspension after.
I agree with your assumption on the complacency of the driver. I make it a habit when at stop lights and signs that have more than one lane to stop in between lanes to give more space without them entirely pulling up next to you. People won't give you clearance (especially rear clearance), when they see a bike, they assume you'll take off quickly. Glad to see you're OK, who the hell else was going to ride Palomar Mountain with me if your out of commission?

You know, I think I actually got a little lucky in that I was closer to the middle of the lane.. I'd rather get hit square on the rear tire than sideswiped or something of the like.
You know, I think I actually got a little lucky in that I was closer to the middle of the lane.. I'd rather get hit square on the rear tire than sideswiped or something of the like.

True, there is the possibility that you give the car a chance to take off if they swipe you from the side. Then again, there's also the possibility that the person won't care as much running over you to get away either. At least if he did swipe you and take off, you'll be able to follow as long as you can or want to. I followed a guy in a truck that almost made me wreck. He hit shoulders, jumped off exit ramps and crossed over dirt medium to get away (unsuccessfully though) while I followed with murderous intent.

This happened to a friend of mine here in Maine - he was on a bicycle. In between two cars, stopped at a light, in the middle of the lane. The car in front of him turned right. He stayed put since he was going straight and the light was red. The car behind him drove right into his rear tire... "Couldn't see him". So if she couldn't see him, why did she leave all that space between her and the car in front when coming to a stop????
