

New Member
I finally got some items that I ordered off the internet today. :D I got my Jacket that I ordered from ( they have awsome prices on Jackets and other goodies) I also recieved my silver face shield that I ordered from, and I picked up a tank pad from the dealer... It felt like Christmas today! Just thought I would share.
Nice pics thanks for shareing;)
I finally got some items that I ordered off the internet today. :D I got my Jacket that I ordered from ( they have awsome prices on Jackets and other goodies) I also recieved my silver face shield that I ordered from, and I picked up a tank pad from the dealer... It felt like Christmas today! Just thought I would share.
i have that same tank pad
I finally got some items that I ordered off the internet today. :D I got my Jacket that I ordered from ( they have awsome prices on Jackets and other goodies) I also recieved my silver face shield that I ordered from, and I picked up a tank pad from the dealer... It felt like Christmas today! Just thought I would share.

That's a dangerous tank pad, that could cause you to have an accident:eek:
^ what Uno said... :)
Hey Shake, how's the quality on the jacket? I've bought a few things from leatherup before and was happy with the quality given the prices. I'm eyeballing a couple of leather jackets for me and my wife. Did they give you one of those discount code cards with your order? I've been looking all over the house for mine, but can't find in.
I like the tank pad....

The jacket appears to be very good quality. It was a lot nicer than I expected. It has an inner vest as well as a inner jacket inside of the outsde shell with all the armor (so 3 layers total). it's got alot of configurations. I am very impressed especially since it was like 60ish dollars. all of the dealers that I have been to have jackets that start around $150. I took it for a test ride last night and it was about mid 50's outside and didnt feel any of that cold on the parts of me that the jacket covered....but the rest of me was a little chilly.
