Getting a handle on the throttle


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Has any of y'all ever tried a throttle tamer?

One of these. G2 Tamer Throttle Tube

Never tried it, or even heard of it until now. I have heard of devices which actually make the range of throttle travel smaller, so that you can crank to wide open faster!

In my opinion, the FZ6R is a ridiculously smooth bike, with super smooth power delivery. I don't see any modification necessary. I think the fuel injection is perfect. I've never been smoother on a bike. I think it's mostly just experience that people need in order to use the throttle/clutch smoothly. You can't get much more user friendly than the FZ6R.


New Member
Another thing that helps is to keep your wrist loose, and in a "broken" position. If you arch your wrist you don't have as much control as if you had it relaxed. ...

I'll second the keeping the wrist loose bit.

One more thing is to grab and turn the throttle like you're opening a door knob - not like you're holding or lifting a dumbbell. It's kind of hard to describe, but if you're doing it right, your lower arm kind of rotates at your elbow and when you get on the throttle, your elbow should not drop.

It's an old motocross technique, but works really well for making small adjustments as well as letting you go WFO without regripping the throttle itself.



New Member
^ LOL xP...

back on topic... i think it's good to gradually practice rev-matching when shifting up and down too. it actually will make the bike feel more stable and easier to control when the engine is revving in higher rpm's. rev-matching also helps prevents the rear wheel from jolting or kicking unexpectedly by smoothing out the transition between gears.

the best way to practice this is to gently open the throttle just a little bit right b4 shifting and downshifting- with the goal of trying to match the revs of the engine with the gear u r shifting in or out of.



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