FZ6R or managers CBR600RR

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That's funny..... Exactly what I was thinking.

Ennis from what I read you just want it for around town. If that is the case and you aren't planning to ride it a lot in the twistes or the track, get the 6r. Super sports aren't made for putting around town. They are built for racing not stop and go traffic. They are harder to ride at slow speeds and not excellent at low speed turns, etc. They aren't happy in 1st and 2nd gear. They can be real jerky and uncomfortable for a begginer. Plus being a beginner I know for a fact you aren't going to ride it correctly for a while which means you will spend a lot of time complaining about your wrists and back hurting.

Get the fz6r! It's a sick bike, comfy, and just as bad as the cbr. If you so choose to get an SS for your first bike, then I'll probably find myself not feeling sorry for you if you drop it or have a tough time with it. Sorry!

Good luck.
My 2cents:

If you want a commuting bike then the FZ6R is the way to go.

If you want a toy for the weekend that will get above 150mph then go with the CBR.

If you want a bike that leaks all over your garage and is overpriced/outdated get a new sportster.

If you really wanna save on gas then get a Schwinn.

My advice:

Get the 6R and then upgrade to whatever you want. Take your time with this whole process... It pays off. When you do decide on a SS one day you will be that much more appreciative of what it is and what it can do.

I mean just thinking--

What good are Brembo's if all you know due to lack of experience is "I gotta stay off those"?
What good is blistering 0-60 speed if you have tons to work on your launches?
Etc, etc.

All these #'s and higher spec pieces are nice, but whats even sweeter in my book is utilizing these features/pieces properly. The 6R I believe will allow you to have a good stepping stone or reference point for future SS purchase if thats what you eventually decide. The 6R is such that you can ride it hard -- or at a more moderate pace comfortably. I've learned a ton about riding while I've had mine.

Not knockin you or your selection in bikes. I happen to have been checkin out CBR 6's as well as Daytonas for potential upgrades.
Just trying to get across that if you look @ riding as something you do for your WHOLE LIFE -- enjoy the ride, don't rush it.
My $.02

Honestly, I wouldn't rush into buying even a 6R as a first bike, especially if you need a loan to buy one.

To give you a better idea, I can tell my story.

Before I took the MSF class I was even doubting if I was going to get a bike (not the best means of transportation in Seattle, rains too often). Loved the MSF class and the feeling of riding a bike. I was pretty low on cash then and didn't have too many options, but wanted something more than just 250cc.

I got a 1976 Honda CB550 in great shape for about $2k. Carburated inline 4 that redlined at about 9k, 5 gears. The bike was capable of highway speeds, topping out at about 90mph - plenty for a new rider. It handled great. I loved the vintage look.

On the downside, the old Honda eventually needed some work done to it. The previous owner did a great job tuning the engine, but didn't know much about electrical. 2 months after buying the bike, the charging system broke. I had to diagnose the problem (burnt rectifier), replace the part, and along the way checked and cleaned all connections in the charging circuit. Even though it sounds like a giant PITA, I learned a ton about how bikes work in process.

While still riding the Honda, I knew that I wasn't going to keep the bike forever, so I was saving for something more modern. Already knowing what I like from some riding experience, I started thinking about what bike to get. I read a bunch of forums, review articles, and narrowed it down to 2 bikes - FZ6R and Ninja 650R. After test-riding both at different dealerships, I liked the FZ6R more.

I wasn't ready to buy a brand new bike, so I waited for a good deal on CL. Soon enough I bought a 2009 Raven FZ6R with less than 1600 miles for $5k, sold the Honda for the same money I bought it.

This bike has probably three times the power of the old Honda, it's loads of fun, but is still comfortable enough to do long trips. This is all I wanted from a motorcycle. I'm sure I will still upgrade to a different bike at some point, but there is no rush.

Basically, my advice is to get something cheap. Something that will give you a starting point in a riding career, but won't be too expensive to fix if you drop it. The first bike doesn't have to be the perfect fit - the point of it is for you to learn what you like and what you don't like in bikes. Then there's always an option to upgrade. You're only 20, you have so many years of riding ahead. There is no rush.

Another thought - put aside some money for riding gear. Get a good helmet, a jacket, gloves, riding boots. Get some riding pants for longer rides. (I commute in jeans but wear leather pants on longer trips).

Also, IMO it's not worth it buying a bike from a dealership. Like someone said here, the going price for a used FZ6R is 4-5k. Bring your buddy with you to take a look at the bike to make sure everything is ok. Also, you can search for threads here describing what to look for in a used FZ6R.
Lol, nah not really, My first dirt bike was a CR250R.. Haha.. And then I rode a Cr500 for about 2 months, then a CRF250R.. Then now this CRF450R.. The problem is I don't know street bikes so well.. And if I get a personal loan and bought one from craigslist or something, I could possibly be lied to the face, and walk home with a jacked up bike, that's why I wanna get one from a dealer.. So I think I'm going to go with the Managers CBR600RR.. ATLEAST I think it's a RR.. Might be the other one, fi4 or w/e.. Eitherway I wanna save money, on loan and insurance, and the CBR does that just for me.. Since you know these bikes, for years, 04-06.. What type of mileage should these bikes have?

Don't think for a 2nd that the dealer won't lie to you either if it comes to a used bike lol

IMHO I don't think it's ever a good idea to buy a brand new bike for someone's first street bike. You can save $1000's on a bike that will do everything a new one can, plus you can get more bike for the money. And since you've been racing dirt I don't see any issues with you hoping on a 600cc ss bike because you surely know by now how to control yourself. I'd say do some Craigslist stalking for a bit before you make a decision.
After reading this thread,, may I suggest that you,, Ennis09,, check out the "for sale` section of this Forum and check out FZ6R`s that are for sale from Forum members. Members here on this Forum generally take very good care of their 6R`s and there are a few listed for sale that quite possibally could save you some cash and you would be purchasing from a member that you can trust to tell you any issues with the bike (if any). People here are honest and trust worthy so you will not get ripped off. I suggest that you look into it,,it can`t hurt. But first YOU have to decide what YOU want and what KIND of riding you want to do. Cheers Laurie
Some really good comments in this thread. To add to some things which have been said already:

1) in regards to insurance, try Rider. I'm not sure if they're available in your state but since they don't cover medical, they're probably the cheapest out there. Im currently paying $280 for full coverage on my 6R. Just another option.

2) I would highly recommend taking the MSF ASAP prior to picking up a bike. It'll build on your confidence no matter what experience you have currently. Look everywhere, even if you have to travel a bit. Also, pick up some books such as Proficient Motorcycling and Twist of the Wrist II. They'll only build on your existing experience.

3) I would avoid buying new at all costs. You'll be able to get something used at a significant discount, and you'll be able to spend the rest of the money you saved on quality gear such as full gauntlet gloves and street boots.

Just my $0.02.
You may also want to check the thread "What Did You Pay For Your FZ6R?" $8200 OTD is high, no matter where you live. +1 What's already been said about the two bikes. Throttle response on the 6R is more consistent, and therefore predictable. That means you'll be able to use more of the 6R motor more of the time than you would the 600RR. Honda makes a great machine, but the guy who wants to sell you his 600RR - that has only 2K miles on it - is selling it for a reason. Maybe so he can buy a new FZ6R?

Was insurance discussed yet?

The fz6r costs me 25 a month.
A r6 would cost me around 70
A r1 would cost me around 165

Needless to say, I like my 6r.
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