FZ6r Mirrors


New Member
Has anybody replaced the stock mirrors with something aftermarket that fit properly and looks more aggressive? I prefer a smaller mirror length compared to what comes stock. Let me know what you all have done!


New Member
I replaced mine with OEM Kawi ZX6R mirrors ('07-09). It was easy to install, they have the same bolt design so theres no holes to drill.


New Member
I put on bar end mirrors and these little plates you can buy to block off the holes left behind when you take the mirrors off. I like the bar ends as they seem to not vibrate as much as the fairing mounted ones imo


New Member
i think this is our most popular question. I tried the ebay and gixr and both fit fine and looked great and could not see crapola out of either. i have risers though and that may affect it a bit but i think the vis was more important. in my album you can see pictures of both sets of mirrors.


New Member
I tried different mirrors, if visibility is important for you then leave stock mirrors, that's what I did. But I didn't try bar end mirrors, i dont like how it looks but people say they give you a good visibility, otherwise leave stock.
