FYI - Watch out for that damn tar seal


New Member
Just a word of caution to be EXTREMELY careful when cornering on a hot day and try to avoid that tar sealant they put down. I nearly lost it (pucker moment) at lunch today exiting a highway ramp. The DPW crews just slathered that sh!t on (looked very fresh) and it was all over the exit. My bike felt like I was riding over a tub of squids (or something jellylike). Ended up doing <20mph for the rest of the exit just to play it safe.

Hopefully now that the weather is calming down in temps - it won't be as much of a problem. Anyway, just wanted to vent a little.


Super Moderator
We call those little buggers "tar snakes". Not fun at all as you have found out. Be careful indeed.


New Member
I dunno whats worse a wet tar snake or a hot/melted tar snake...


New Member
Funny you should mention this - I had two close calls in the last week on tar snakes. One was on a 60 mph curve on my 835lb. cruiser, the other was a simple left turn on the FZ6R. In both cases the front wheel slid sideways about two inches. I can relate to the pucker power statement. All turned out well though !!!


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New Member
I find em slippery whether hot or NOT......Squids legs is a good comparison cuz it gotta just feels WIERD!!

and we are in the "Country" and this is the time of year for the small gravel on the secondaries. did it to our street and has made the corner BAD.

People thought I was crazy when I got so mad cuz there was so much of it that I took my tractor to the corner and backbladed all that loose shit off.....before one of us two wheelers kill ourselves!!


New Member
Just a word of caution to be EXTREMELY careful when cornering on a hot day and try to avoid that tar sealant they put down. I nearly lost it (pucker moment) at lunch today exiting a highway ramp. The DPW crews just slathered that sh!t on (looked very fresh) and it was all over the exit. My bike felt like I was riding over a tub of squids (or something jellylike). Ended up doing <20mph for the rest of the exit just to play it safe.

Hopefully now that the weather is calming down in temps - it won't be as much of a problem. Anyway, just wanted to vent a little.

They should be outlawed extremely dangerous. When somebody loses a life I hope not but then maybe they will not put these on roads!:mad:


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As much as I don't like tar snakes, at least if there is only one you regain traction after slipping a few inches sideways. The real thing that ought to be outlawed is blowing grass clipings out over a whole lane. That leaves you nowhere to go if it comes up in or just after a curve. They ought to allow open season hunting of those fools.


New Member
The VA DOT does that all the time here. They'll mow down a median or one of those triangle spots between a turn lane/travel lanes and 3' tall grass will be everywhere.

Some landscapers aren't much better...


New Member
I just hit a frozen patch of dirt this morning, scared the crap out of me!! It was worse than the tar snake!

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