Funny videos to start your day

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Another funny clip from the tv show Weeds:
Kevin Nealon and Justin Kirk debate: Whadda ya call that thing between the d & the a?


WARNING: Not safe for work...

[ame=]YouTube - Weeds - What's the thing between the @#@ and the %#%#%#[/ame]
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Not a funny video.


[ame=]YouTube - Mimic Octopus[/ame]
Some people are just born rockers.... :rockon:

[ame=]YouTube - Rock Band FAIL[/ame]
possibly nsfw: only for what it implies, cuz there's no nakedness

Liked the rockband fail!!! hope that was his tv!
Thats a big reason i don't play that, i like my tv too much
I found this amusing.
[ame=]YouTube - He Broke Burrita[/ame]

swinging at the truck was one thing... that I could see doing

assault with a 5 iron would probably have landed the old man in jail, though, that I wouldn't recommend:eek:

Oops, yeah, I just meant the truck...not the assault. This video was fake if you look closer at it, probably a school project or just messing around. Initially, the wheel came off, then when the kid picks up the car, the wheel is magically on again.
