few questions, heat from engine,heat from helmet ?



Hi guys,
I'm new to the forum and had a few quick questions.

First off, let me tell you guys my story briefly. I had nasal issues back in 2007, went to doctor, he prescribed a nasal steroid spray. The spray ended up damaging my eyes(thru my tear ducts), and at 2007, my life took a 180 degree turn. My eyes have been severly dry since 2007. Heat,wind,cold, etc really irritate my eyes beyond pain sometimes. I'm 39 yrs old now, and have wanted to ride for past 5 years or so, but just havn't had the courage to do it yet(because of my eye problem). so enough about my sob story and onto the questions.

1. I'm thinking of getting the Nexx XR1R helmet (lightweight, have to have, bad disc in my neck), as was wondering for helmets in general, Do they create alot of heat inside the helmets in general, or just slightly, or just at stops,etc ???? I dont want to have issues with my eyes burning,drying !!!

2. Does the air entering the helmet or around helmet cause alot of air around or on the eyes ? I can't have alot of wind/air on my eyes becasue they will dry out too fast, and will hurt like hell. BUT, i probably need some air inside the helemt/around my face in general, so my face doesnt get too hot and my eyes hurt.

3. I've been researching bikes for the past 6 months in general, and I'm trying to be patient and make sure I cover all angles of owning,riding,safety etc for the bike. One thing I just ran across,and wondered was HEAT....... from the engine etc. Is the engine heat around your legs, butt etc bearable to certain degree ? stopped / riding ? I live in Florida and it get pretty damn hot here 90 degrees +. Is there anything to do to reduce the heat ? heat shields for legs, or divertion methods to direct engine head away from body ?

I know these questions have probably been asked previously, but my case ( with my eyes) is a little unique.

I envy all of you guys here for being able to ride without much though to things that I have to deal with. Wish I never had an issues with my eyes, but I dont want to finish my life without doing what I ultimately love, and thats owing a bike and riding, i absolutely love it !!

thanks in advance to anyone who responds,

Don't think the air entering is too much, because it doesn't rush in like an open window or a raided visor. I don't have that helmet so I can only speak from my experience with helmets. The heat isn't unbearable, but it can get warm at stops so I usually flip up my visor. The bike doesn't run to hot and the heat seems to dissipate evenly. The bike is liquid cooled and has a fan so that it doesn't run too hot. Even the exhaust doesn't seem too warm. Someone from the Florida area may be able to give you more specific advice. Summers here are pretty hot, but I lived in Pensacola, Florida for Navy schools and it definitely is hotter there for longer. I'm sure you'll get good help here.

does the heat from the engine between legs get hot, heat rising ? or coming from fairings ?

someone said a naked bike runs cooler, and then someone said fairing bikes keep heat off you, so ive heard conflicting stories ????
Wind on most helmets enter at top of forehead from top vents and out rear top vents.
Good top venting will keep you cool while moving (every helmet makes you sweat in summer heat at a stop).
The front vent (defogger) will push air right into your inside of windscreen and your face. To me it doesn't feel like a lot unless it's cold..and you only need it when cold or wet. So I'm sure closed would work for you.
With the visor up, it's just like sticking your head out the car window.
For the defogger/up visor I would suggest some type of sunglasses that cover your entire eye.

Edit: I'm speaking of full face helmets, anything less and wind is more of an issue.
I'd also recommend a light color helmet (white or silver) and if you don't have a bike yet look for a white model. I have a Raven 6R and a Carbon Fiber helmet which is very dark in color so it attracts the sun's rays. I am actually buying a Bilt Fusion white full face helmet (pretty cheap) to wear on hotter days. Also getting white Joe Rocket gloves, and a mostly white Xelement Level 3 armored textile jacket. I don't normally wear a bike jacket so I am trying to get myself up to full ATGATT. I'm sure I'll catch some backlash for that. LOL! Good luck with your decision. Hope to see you get on a bike soon. Keep us posted!

Scott, thanks alot for your comments on the "white" gear, never actually thought of that !!!!! Your 100% correct, whit gear will probably be cooler in general, vs black. As far as the helmet goes, I have to get the Nexx XR1R(lightweight for back disc in my neck), and its 50% whit and 50% black, carbon fiber. but the comment on white gear is efffin awesome, never would have put much thought into color vs heat on gear!!! thanks man
Thats why i love to ask questions, because you'll get different point of view from others.:)
Yes, white gear is essential. In the summer I wear silver Klim Mojave Pants and silver Teknic Supervent Mesh Jacket and it works wonders (much better than jeans).
As for the engine heat, I think all 4 cyls bikes with radiator and fen will do, and it does not depends on faring. I had the naked FZ6 and the under-sit heat emission was unbearable. FZ6R emits much less heat although in a hot weather (over 90+) in traffic when the fen turns on, you'll feel some coming up your face and between the legs, but it won't be for too long.
Maybe 2 cyls engine air cooled are different, duno.
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