Failed MSF


New Member
Failed it today :( did great on all the practice runs yesterday and today. But bombed the box and outside inside outside turn totaling 28 points. 20 is all your allowed. They said I can retest free but I don't even know if I'm up for it. I'm totally discouraged from even eventually riding. Prior to the Test I loved riding. I mainly bombed because I always get nervous with ANY kindve test. My heart drops and beats a million times a second, breathing is out of control, jitters and lose all cognitive functions of my body. I admit I'm a mess come taking tests sometimes I wonder how I passed my cdl class A exam to drive trailers. So since the retest is free I guess I'll go for it.

And speaking of driving semi's for a living, I get drug tested, althought I'm clean I still get intensely nervous. But the weird thing is I can shoot down highways and take twisties fine. Just anything to do with a test freaks me out to insanity :mad:
The box was a killer for me... took the MSF course at FDU in Teaneck, NJ and was nervous as hell during the practice, kept messing up that damn box. Luckily, grading is different in NJ. Here's how... right off the bat they tell you, drop the bike, you fail. Do reckless riding, you fail. Go out of the box, put your feet down, they take x number of points from you. You fail if you get 21 points. What they tell only after the test is, no matter how many times you put your feet down, no matter how many times you go out of the box, they can only deduct the points once!!!

My suggestion, take some time off and if you can, take your test in NJ. GOOD LUCK....


Premium Member


Premium Member


New Member
It's hard sometimes when you know you're being watched. I've always been good at tests, but would botch things when I know people are watching my every move. I've gotten better at it over the years, the best practice being when I was in a metal band for 4 years as guitarist/lead singer. *That* makes ya focus, nerves or not. ;) The best I have to offer is to just zone. Focus on yourself, the bike, and the box. Nothing else. There is no past, no future, only now. Easy enough to say, right? :p

I actually aced the box as I was up on a dual-sport. The folk on the Rebels had a much harder go at it. I just stood up on the pegs and countered like a mutha. *(Note I had never ridden a motorcycle before this.) The part that almost made me fail was the "unanticipated" stop. They kept saying I was breaking too early. (My thought process being "Dood, I already know I have to stop, that's why I am LoL.) I used up all my tries and *finally* leeched by on my last one just enough to pass.

Oh, I also dropped a bike and snapped the clutch after getting too cocky, so yeah, that was kind of embarassing. :shakehead:

Keep trying brotha. Those who wish to succeed, will. :D



Monster Member
Elite Member


New Member
Quoting someone: "Nobody died failing the figure 8 in the 'box'."
Although in my class the instructors almost got ran over by one guy. he probably made his u turn instead of being in the box he probably wouldn't have completed the u turn in two boxes together


New Member
I know how you feel, but as said earlier and by more than one person, never give up.

It seems evey place is a little bit different. In PA the box doesn't reallt matter all that much. They want to see that you perform well in the "Life Skills Areas". As our coach said, "the box just shows you can look cool in a parking lot".

As far a being nervous goes... I do much the same thing and would just say get plenty of sleep before, practice alot and if possible just try to imagine that you are out there alone.


Elite Member
