dynojet plug and play?

That’s the one. But buy it from fuel moto usa instead! That’s where I got my Power Commander V from around a month ago. I even sent them AdvGear RevB fuel map and they installed it on the PC before sending out. All for $300
awesome thanks. I found one on ebay for $290 I was mainly concerned with splicing wires and stuff. Had a helluva time installing my integrated tailight
Ok I got the REV B map downloaded and the acc pump settings is 75, 30 , 16 right?

Also the model I got is the EX and some of the tables is blacked out. I am assuming I got the wrong PCV will this map still be fine for me?

Thanks for all the help
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The pcv ex model is a calafornia approved model that is why the low rpm's are blacked out. Insatalling tomorrow morning and will let yall know if the adv gear map will work.

FYI I got the adv map only maps I dont have are the touring maps (if anyone has them please let me know)

Thanks again for everyone's help
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Ok I got the REV B map downloaded and the acc pump settings is 75, 30 , 16 right?

Also the model I got is the EX and some of the tables is blacked out. I am assuming I got the wrong PCV will this map still be fine for me?

Thanks for all the help

The accelerator pump setting is all about how you want it to activate it (how fast you "change" -called "Delta" by Dyno Jet, the throttle position, that is, how fast or slow you twist the throttle under hard acceleration when you want a boost of fuel) the duration of additional enrichment under that condition, and how much additional fuel you add.

That is what the 3 numbers mean. The best setting depends on your right hand movement which is personal, and how your particular bike behaves with it. Try blipping the throttle as fast as you can, then a little less, then the way you do for a downshift using the “Capture Delta” feature in the PC5 software. You do not want to activate it doing downshifts, or you are just wasting fuel hurting your mileage.

75/30/16 IS WRONG! for a PC5... per the explanation in my e-mail to you. I'll re-state it here for other forum members who may be reading.

Anyone using the Accelerator Pump feature on a PC5 needs to realize Dyno Jet reversed the readings from the prior version (PC3USB) before the PC5 for some unbelievable reason. So most of what you read on website postings is WRONG, for the PC5.

Per Chris at Dyno Jet when I asked him about the very 75/30/16 setting you just posted. I had quoted a Dyno Jet web page to him: He said, "You are reading web FAQ’s that are specific to PC3USB. With PC3USB (version before PC5), a HIGHER value will make the adjustment more sensitive to throttle movement, whereas with PC5 a LOWER value will make the adjustment more sensitive to throttle movement (that’s the first number). Crazy."

In other words, with the PC5, the lower the setting the easier it is to enable the feature with less quick throttle hand twist, because it is "more sensitive".... get it? It can be confusing

So the first number at 75 will rarely activate the feature, if ever maybe - I'm not really sure as no specs are given, it's all trail & error. It depends on your bike set-up, and importantly how quick you want to twist the throttle to activate it, and/or or do not want to activate it like when blipping the throttle before downshifting. I noticed NO DIFFERENCE in performance when I had mine set incorrectly at 75 (because it was not set "sensitive enough"). I noticed a difference when I set it initially at 25, then 45.

So for example, when I did several "Capture Delta" readings when I was attempting to emulate when I wanted to enable the feature. I tried to twist the throttle just a little faster than I would under hard downshifting at speed. I got readings from 20-39 delta change on my various tries. I tried 25 as the first number fo a while. I settled on 45, to avoid engaging it when downshifting

Try using the PC5 “Capture Delta” feature to see your throttle hand twist velocity that YOU like, and try different settings. In my setting, 45 is % throttle change or delta throttle (How fast you twist your right hand), 30 is duration of the of the enrichment when you activated it by the delta throttle setting, and 10 is the amount of additional fuel that is added for the duration set.

From everything I read 25 of 30 is a good second number for duration. I chose 30. Per Martin, aka Marthy, and DynoJet, having the last number as high as 16 is pretty rich. Start at 10. I tried mine at 10, 12 and 15. There was no noticeable difference on my bike on any of those settings. So I settled on 10 because it worked, and I didn't want too waste any more fuel to save a bit on mileage.

Said another way, on my bike it made a difference in acceleration. If I set the delta change too low, all I did was make my mileage worse, because it was activating too frequently. If I set the last number (Amount of fuel) higher than 10, I did not notice any more improvement… so I figured why run any richer than needed to get the performance.

Your results may vary. That's all I learned on the subject. Why DynoJet reversed the first setting reading between models defies all logic, but they did.
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Awesome thanks. The settings I posted in this thread was before your email. I have since changed it to your recommendations.
Don't forget to play around with it. Once you get used to the software it's easy. I was really happy to find out about the Delta Capture feature. It makes your trail and error a shorter process.

Installed the pcv this morning and it is def quicker. Very easy to install and I am currently running the adv gear map. Set the pump to 45 30 10
