Dropped bike and fall!

I wouldn't be surprised that if in the future the stability micro computer + gravity chip will be standard on all bikes- ie like the BMW S1000RR... Question is just how soon? ^_^

Think: The Stealth Fighter & Stealth Bombers have those types of computers- just way moe sophisticated- namely because those planes aren't physically aerodynamic enough to stay stable in flight with that body shape. So a computer is actually constantly making automatic micro adjustments to the plane stability in flight to keep it stable. But, to the pilot, this is not even noticeable and they just fly the plane as if it were a "normal" plane...

Amazing how far technology has come. Maybe cows will fly someday. LOL

I bought my bike, then went and got my permit. I had no idea how to operate a motorcycle, but my boyfriend gave me a crash course, and then had me feeling the clutch out in our long driveway. Eventually I started giving it gas, etc. He left out a few pointers out though... such as, don't break with your front bars turned and your bike "follows your nose". I took a dump a stopping at the end of my driveway, before I had the bike lowered. I had the handlebars turned when I came to a stop and the bike leaned and I went over. I have to be honest... I lost a lot of my confidence after that point, and I felt there was no way I could ever master it well enough on my own that I could go to the MVA and take my test. Permits can't be renewed in Maryland... you have to take your written test all over again. So I waited until the spring, and I took the safety course at the college. They give you the written and driving test right at the college. What a difference it made! Of course, the course was given on some Honda Nighthawks, but it really allowed me to understand how to operate a motorcycle safely. It was the best $270 I have ever spent! ...And I plan on going back for the intermediate riders course after I have some more experience under my belt.

<--- And the custom graphics were put on to cover up one scratch from the drop I mentioned above
