decelerating, braking & gear braking

While we're on this topic,the 6r slows down just letting off the throttle pretty significantly. Is this due to the compression? I would imagine these are pretty high compression systems.
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I use the brakes and as my speed drops, I downshift to match the speed. That way if I need to jump back on the throttle, I am in the right gear.

Ditto that. When I first started riding, I was all brakes and often ended up in the wrong gear, especially on turns. Now I down shift with my speed, and engine brake if slowing gradually. Good tip from MSF class is to slow a bit more than needed on turns, and roll on the throttle as you exit.
braking is very important, does ABS make that big of a deal ?

Do you remember when you could lock up your car tires and go hydroplaning into the back end of another car? ABS pretty much did away with that issue on cars. So, yeah ABS on motorcycles is getting better all the time and will become a standard feature in the future, its one of those background safety nets that will be nice to have - a panic stop on wet pavement with ABS could be the difference between a smashed up bike and injury, or just continuing on with your ride like nothing happened.
ok regarding braking..........

What brakes are used for the following instances : (rear,front,both, and percentages ? ) ie......100% front, 50/50 front back, etc......


5mph ?
10 mph ?
20 mph ?
30 mph ?
40 mph ?
and so on up to say 70 mph ?

and then 100+ mph ?

QUICK BRAKING: (someone cuts you off, traveling same direction)

5mph ?
10 mph ?
20 mph ?
30 mph ?
40 mph ?
and so on up to say 70 mph ?

and then 100+ mph ?

PANIC BRAKING: (someone pulls out in front of you at intersection/road

5mph ?
10 mph ?
20 mph ?
30 mph ?
40 mph ?
and so on up to say 70 mph ?

and then 100+ mph ?

I do the " apply evenly while downshifting" if at all possible.
To much rear + clutch in = slide. Better to have the engine pulling the rear along IMO.

Ive found the easiest solution for rev matching is to hold the throttle about 5% open when downshifting.( EG: roll off, hold about 5%, clutch in and downshift while holding the 5% ) The down shift is then nice and smooth. Play with it a little till you find the butter zone. If you've got too much throttle it will jerk you a bit as noted earlier in the thread. Of course, i wouldn't worry about if it you are "oh shit" stopping.
