Decal Opinions, Please


New Member
I have scratches on the right cowling, and I'm looking to cover them up with some vinyl decals. I have an arteest friend who is working on a design that will look like my 6R is wrestling with a giant squid, with the tentacles wrapping all over the plastics. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea style, fighting with those pesky squids. It might be a hard image to convey with words, so if this thread hasn't died by the time the proto sketches are ready I'll post them up.

This isn't set in concrete, and I am waffling back and forth about it. Any thoughts, ideas, opinions? You can be as insensitive as you want, as long as you're honest. I want to make sure I'm not doing something horrendously stupid. In my mind it looks badass.....
It wont die, I promise to make love to this thread every day!
i don't picture the FZ6R as an overly aggressive bike so the squid fighting image doesn't really do it for me. i don't deny it will probably look badass, but the only place i like to see squid is on a plate
Do what you like and don't worry about what other people think like damn near everyone in America does

I would argue that the opposite is true. I know of very few people that don't worry about what others think. I wish I was the same way (this thread proves I'm not) because that is a true freedom right there, to be consciously free of the encumbering opinions of others. I'm sure it takes some solid brass mental balls to achieve that state of mind.

But yeah, the tentacles- no dinosaurs or whales allowed! This is a one-on-one battle with the squid. Maybe someday I will wire something up that electrifies the bodywork and sends that sorry cephalopod to the briny deep.
I meant everyone in America does care what people think. There is no independence. I just got out of an American history class taught by the best teacher I have ever had and he was all about individualism and how it doesn't exist in America.
