Crashed my new Street Triple


Elite Member


New Member
I don't think you have to worry about a bent frame. Usually ins. companies will total the frame if it is even scratched. unfortunately, that happens very easily and ends up costing alot to get a new frame.

I'm glad that the family admitted fault, but was she ticketed? I've heard of insurance companies claiming that since their driver wasn't ticketed, they cant be completely at fault.


Elite Member


New Member
I don't think you have to worry about a bent frame. Usually ins. companies will total the frame if it is even scratched. unfortunately, that happens very easily and ends up costing alot to get a new frame.

I'm glad that the family admitted fault, but was she ticketed? I've heard of insurance companies claiming that since their driver wasn't ticketed, they cant be completely at fault.

Good point.

The accident was when she was leaving University. The cop that was parked there saw almost everything and he acknowledged was her fault.

Her mom also came and told me not to be worried, that they have insurance. But I honestly don't know if she got a ticket from the cop. I remember he went to the opposite side where she parked after the accident and he spoke to her. I guess was collecting insurance stuff but don't know what else happened.


New Member

Wife just told me that when she went there for the bike (I was in the ambulance going to the Hosipital) the cop said she got a ticket and was cited. I mean, not happy for her, but that may help with the claim.

I'm still getting additional details, after the whole stuff, because my wife is not so talkative this morning, hahahahaha, I guess you understand.


Elite Member


New Member
thats good to hear about the citation, for you.

Do you remember what kind of damage there was to the bike, or were you still in 'shock' about what had just happened. I seen you have the instrument cluster, which isn't normally a good sign. :eek:


New Member
thats good to hear about the citation, for you.

Do you remember what kind of damage there was to the bike, or were you still in 'shock' about what had just happened. I seen you have the instrument cluster, which isn't normally a good sign. :eek:

Left mirror is broken, I remember. I also moved the bike myself out of the road (to avoid the rogue truck company ripping me off) and noticed the handle bar was not moving right, only left or straight.... wait, or was only right? ...

Wife also said tank was scratched, which I guess is typical. And I think right head light was not broken but misaligned.

All this is what I barely remember, I basically seat on parking lot and wait for paramedics and later the ambulance.

It was a direct front impact but at low speed. That's why I flip over , flew a few feets and hit pavement with my back and left hand? Damm, can't remember, was so fast. I thought I was in one of my Aikido classes, doing a Kata, hahahaha ...

I don't need to say that I thank God for the helmet, especially, and whoever is reading this and does not wear a helmet, even for short trips, think twice. I am not a doctor, but I may have suffered a concussion without it.
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Elite Member


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Bike is leaving collision center now (a place my wife knows and was close to scene) and is now going to Triumph dealer, south Houston.

The service representative was clear and gave us a warning about the other Insurance trying to buy cheap parts or minimize the damage (happened to me before with my wife's car, different issue)

So yes, I want the bike fully repair or totaled. I don't want "cheap job".


New Member
I'm glad you would be happy with a totaled bike.
It seems that it doesn't take much to do that these days, even on brand new bikes.

curious, how many miles were you able to rack up on it before this happened?
couldn't be too many.


New Member
From the discussion and your details about the bike it appears that the whole front end will be replaced. The forks bend pretty easy and the Triumph frame is pretty solid and usually doesn't get twisted. It is a 2 piece frame plus swingarm too so they can replace the bent section if necessary. Instrument cluster, headlight, fly screen and possibly some tail items too like the seat and rear cowl. Handlebars and tank too. Sounds like the cost to repair will be close to the value of the bike. Maybe a case cover or 2 as well.

If the bike can be repaired for less than the value of the bike, They will repair it and there will be no indication on the pink slip but carfacts may indicate the bike was repaired from an accident. If the bike is totaled then the pink slip will show it is a salvage. Lots of nice older BMW cars with perfect engine/transmission get salvage tags because the body work costs more than the car is worth so they end up with a guy that can do the body work himself and he gets a nice car on the cheap. I've done it and lots of "border Brothers" here do it too. The POS BMW owner who hit me was a "border brother" who restored the body on a salvage 1994 BMW 325I.

At least you have lots of good things going for you.
1. You are young so the latent damage from the accident won't show up for at least 20 years. You should get some $$ for this....Every crash will show up later and your old age will be a life of pain (I know..I'm living it).
2. The other driver was ticketed.
3. The other driver had insurance.
4. You had full coverage insurance.
5. A Cop saw the whole thing. (Great witness)

Here is how the medical works.
Your primary medical insurance that you pay dearly for will be used for your medical bills. Her insurance company doesn't pay a dime. If the injuries go over your limits, then her insurance company gets to pay to the limits of her policy and then your insurance company takes care of the rest. Not an issue in your case as you seem to be fine. You might want to play up some back pain tho to get some pain and suffering (happy money) out of the deal.

There are other pain pills that don't make you sick. You probably have hydrocodone and that make mot people a bit woosy. (Not me)...LOL
Ask the Doc for something what you don't need for a rainy day.....I keep spares for when my old injuries act up and I can't sleep and it keeps me from being cranky to the wife and kids.
Also don't drink on the meds.....and don't drive's a DUI.....



Bike is leaving collision center now (a place my wife knows and was close to scene) and is now going to Triumph dealer, south Houston.

The service representative was clear and gave us a warning about the other Insurance trying to buy cheap parts or minimize the damage (happened to me before with my wife's car, different issue)

So yes, I want the bike fully repair or totaled. I don't want "cheap job".

Bike's are really different than cars, the insurance company's dont have many alliterative's for OEM replacement parts.
What insurance company do you have?


New Member
I was involved in a wreck back in 07 and that is how it worked. However, the insurance of the other driver picked up my co-pay, out of pocket expense, meds, ect. didn't amount to much, but I didn't have to pay a dime for their mistake.

Here is how the medical works.
Your primary medical insurance that you pay dearly for will be used for your medical bills. Her insurance company doesn't pay a dime. If the injuries go over your limits, then her insurance company gets to pay to the limits of her policy and then your insurance company takes care of the rest. Not an issue in your case as you seem to be fine. You might want to play up some back pain tho to get some pain and suffering (happy money) out of the deal.....


Elite Member


New Member
I do have Progressive.

This is basically my 1st big motorcycle accident, but with a car accident that we had with one of our cars, they were very diligent and quick.

I am expecting same pattern here. But honestly, afraid of girl's Insurance. They may or may not be as diligent as mine.


New Member
I was involved in a wreck back in 07 and that is how it worked. However, the insurance of the other driver picked up my co-pay, out of pocket expense, meds, ect. didn't amount to much, but I didn't have to pay a dime for their mistake.

Same here. When I got into an accident the party at fault had to pay for all repairs. My insurance company sent me money to replace my riding gear and they in turn charged the other person's insurance company for that amount. :thumbup:

Hope everything works out well!


I do have Progressive.

This is basically my 1st big motorcycle accident, but with a car accident that we had with one of our cars, they were very diligent and quick.

I am expecting same pattern here. But honestly, afraid of girl's Insurance. They may or may be not as diligent as mine.

When we fixed Jens bike, her insurance is Progressive, and they payed for everything!
The day they came for the estimate, they paid the same time.
Not a problem at all!
