Did anyone else buy this yet? Playing it?

It was released Tuesday (appropriately on Veteran's Day!) and the 1.1 patch was immediately available. I just bought it tonight and haven't installed it yet.

I did play the Beta for the last month though. This is likely going to be my favorite (UO was the best IMHO thus far).

WaW is essentially modeled directly after MW. Ranked, perks, unlocks, challenges, etc... But, this brings us back to WWII. And, after all level-ups are complete, you beging to get Prestige points. :don'tknow: I sincerely hope they do a better job at stopping the cheating online but I'm not holding my breath. The beta was out and along came the aimbots and wall hack... people merely shooting at red dots on the map... Losers!!!! I've never cheated and I still beat them. :thumbup:

I'm installing tomorrow morning and playing while working on a client's PC thoughout the day.

Tell us what your thoughts are if you've bought it and had time to play!
Playing it right now in fact (for ps3). It's not bad, I do miss the weapons from COD4 but hey, different era. The flamethrower is always a good time though. I haven't gotten online with it to much yet so can't attest to that, but the storymode is alot longer with all sorts of different missions. I give it a thumbs up!
I should have stated that I have the PC version. I can't play console games well but give me a mouse and kb!!!! w00t!

Too bad we can't play PC and PS3 (or all other consoles) altogether online!?!?!?!
That would be sweet if that's possible... I haven't ever heard of anyone doing that though.
I had it preordered (PS3) and its on its way here. It is going to take a few more days to get to me. I cant wait :cheer:
So, now that the game is out, how many of you have the PC version? Anyone willing to share their profile name to join games? We have several people here that play on a password protected server. You can add my to your PC friends if you want.... Please let me know your profile name so I will accept your invite!

My profile is DeltaFarce

Hope to see you online!
you should try fallout 3. thats game is bad @$$. if u like army games u cant go wrong with ghost recon. cod is fun to. i like fallout 3 alot; it a good army RPG game.
All it is, is COD4 with crap weapons... I do agree +1 to the flamethrower!
I got a free broken xbox last week, and bought this game today. Wow, multiplayer is freaking hard when you've never played a FPS with a controller before.

I would've bought the PC version, but none of my friends here have decent computers, and you can't cross platforms.
I wouldn't call them crap weapons.... they are WWII vintage and some of the best of their times. Taking down the enemy at 400 meters with an iron-sites Kar98k beats aiming at the red dot on the map because you can fire through anything within the map any day of the week.

I like CoD4 but the stuff that is allowed in that game is utterly ridiculous and nearly everyone runs the wall-hack yet PB does nothing to stop it.

It really is a shame that people have to cheat rather than develop some honest skills. I'm sure you guys have all run into this. Whether or not you shose to believe me is your choice, but I can say with 100% honesty that I do not and have never run cheats in on-line gaming. Yet, even with them cheating, I'm still in the top 5 on most servers.

With WaW, the cheats aren't so readily available thus the competition is really good. I'm on the top of the lists once again. I'm sure the cheats will arrive soon though and another fine game will fall.

I really like the WWII theme. It definitely presents more of a challenge to hone your skills. The weapons of the day are awesome. How I'd LOVE to get my hands on a genuine STG44. The rifle is excellent for close quarters as well as a great long distance sniper, true to the real thing.

Of them all, I still think United Offensive was "Da Bomb!"
I stand corrected... NOT crap... That's like saying 69camaros suck because cars go faster than them now... Just outdated technology... The garand was the a$$kicker of it's time, ok the type 5 is better, but that's another argument... Haven't played much... do they let you use the type 5? Anyway... I guess I'm used to being spoiled by the sheer accuracy of the 700... Not crap, just different era...
I hate cheaters/ hackers!!!!! Get some REAL SKILLS you PUSS!!!! Not directed at any one here... Just a random Steam release...
If only Punkbuster would do THEIR job and stay on top of hacks, kind of like virus definitions for your AV? They should be nailing all the latest hacks, disecting the new arrivals and perma-banning those who use them on servers.

THEN, we'd have some quality gaming and a ton more fun!
I got it last week for xbox. I like it. I was a big fan of the cod games on the pc. Love cod4.

I'm way too much of a wimp to even venture into on-line gaming. As has been mentioned, I'm sure those environments are fairly well over run by kids using cheats and such. Not to mention they've got much faster reflexes than my aging body and more time to sit around and play. I'll just stick to working my way through the levels...

As for the weapons, I wouldn't call them crap either. They're really well done for the period in which the game is based.
