Chain Guard

nice... i need to do more to my bike too. :)
Why doesn't our chain gaurd go all the way forward? I get my jeens hitting the chain all the time and it is starting to frey and destroy my jeens. It just seems like there should be another peice or extention that continues the gaurd all the way forward.
I have never had this problem. You might want to think of buying a pair of ridding pants. One for cool weather and one for warm weather.

Still wouldn't solve any problem with rubbing the chain. Maybe it is just the way i have my feet? I just don't see a reason why There wouldn't be a chain guard where your feet are on the front pegs.
Why doesn't our chain gaurd go all the way forward? I get my jeens hitting the chain all the time and it is starting to frey and destroy my jeens. It just seems like there should be another peice or extention that continues the gaurd all the way forward.

Why don't you do the bicycle messenger way and put a rubber band over the bottom of your jeans when you ride or go 80's old school and "peg" them? :) Then when you get off, just roll the rubber band down onto your boot or sock. Not the coolest thing, but cheaper than buying new pants all the time. :cool:
just a quick update on my chain guard issue...

Motorcycle Parts, Motorcycle Accessories sent me the bezzle screw. and, i pushed it into the socket and then used a philips screwdriver to fasten it down. fit perfectly, and my chain guard no wobble no moe...

yay :)

You should be fine without a chain guard. I rode without it with no problems and all you have to deal with is fling from your chain.
