Carrying sh1t, Duffle bags on the narrow seat?


New Member
Good Morning All.

I'm a bit new to this so be gentle; I'm a 30 something old male with a 2009 (the slower one) Yamaha XJ6 diversion, or as you yankes called them the FZ6 whatever

I'm planning to do something like this over a week.. Melbourne VIC to Melbourne VIC - Google Maps

I have a... luggage question :p

For your record I'm at this stage hotel jumping, and will only be traveling with 4 days worth of cloths, maybe a spare petrol tank, so pretty light

My trusty steed (2009 XJ6 Diversion) is fitted with a Ventura Luggage rack and I'm trying to work out if I'm better off buying one of their bags, (Exhibit A) or just doing this proper and getting a wolfman style dry bag, (Exhibit B)

In future I'm sure I'll want to bring a tent with me and I fee the Duffel would pack easier with a tent eventually?

The rear seat on the Yamaha is fairly narrow, and without side panniers I don't feel confident at the moment strapping a 20"+ duffel across the seat...? Read I dont think I'll get side panniers.

With the presence of the Ventura rack however I feel it would rest along the chassis much more more comfortably, and in presence of tent, would work well...

The Ventura bag is big and wide and I don't know how a future duffel or tent would sit in presence of it. But I suppose the venture bag is wide, a tent would tie around it fairly well.

Perhaps I'm just thinking this to much, but $150 bucks is a $150 bucks. (cost price pretty much of either style of bags I'm looking at)

Anyway. You there with narrow Sportbike rear seats and dodgy grab rails! How do you / where do you tie your tent / duffel without side bags to help support them?

Ignorantly yours.



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Duffel bag

When my brother and I went to Vegas a few months ago I used a duffel bag and bungee cords to strap it to the rear seat. Used about 4 - 6 bungee cords and it didn't move once the entire trip.

My brother borrowed (read stole) my Motocentric side and tail bags for his gear but he had more to carry since he was going for a work convention and had to have both casual and work attire. We were there for 4 days.


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Active Member
I use a Gears Urban Survivor tail/tank bag that I use on my back seat. It has a velcro strap that allows you to just pop your seat off, insert it through the velcro strap, and then snap the seat back down. If I was going to do what you're doing, I would get their Navigator bag. Lots of room and you could strap a tent to the top of it as it has D-rings designed for just that.


New Member
Yes those US dry packs are pretty gnarly.

What I'm hearing tho from you all is a 20"+ duffel bag laying across the rear seat didn't cause any dramas.

And that my friends is fantastic ;)

thank you very much.


New Member
Anaconda normally do a sale and you can buy their denali duffel's for a steal...

My 90L one was only $65... and whilst they aren't labelled waterproof, they seem to be pretty weather proof, there's a couple of guys I know that have had theirs for years, hence I bought one...
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New Member
Well I've decided I'll just get one of those Ventura bags. They seem to hold there second hand value well so if It's no good I'll flick it on. I made a mock up with an old school port of all things and It will look a bit ridiculous, but hay it's luggage.

This attached image sold me actually.. There is something purposeful about it really :p


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New Member
Just packed my new duffel for a weekend away myself, thought I'd chuck it here for you...

90l duffle, still has room in it but contains

2 man tent
Self inflating matress
Self inflating pillow
3 legged stool
Sleeping bag

Cook kit containing
Chop board
Knife (cooking)
Pots and pans (one man size)
Wind deflector/shield

Clothes pack containing
underwear and socks

With the room to spare I could easily carry spare clothing for a week +
And I still have panniers and a tank bag.

My reasons for getting the large duffle is on multiple nights I stash most stuff in the tent and roll it like a swag, only requires pegging out and climbing into at the end of a long day which makes everything better...


New Member
So that makes sense. Resting it (a 90L bag) on the side panniers seems fine. Anyway, Not that any of you are interested but I'll let you know what this $150 bag is like when it turns up :eek:


New Member
Well the bag arrived, and I feel a little less bad about spending $150 on a piece of luggage.

The zips are protected, the whole things smells like a petrol truck which means it should be a little water resistant, and yes it comes on and off in seconds, and doesn't look as super ugly as I first thought...

The rack still gives me room to throw a petrol tank on the back, and the bag has spare D hook fornt and back to tie more sh1t to it.

Having said that, It's plenty big enough. we are talking at least 16 bottles of wine, or 2.5 slabs of beer. Its great.

If you need a bag, these venture sh1t are ok. :p


New Member
Well it ain't pretty but boy it works.

(see attached)

What we have here is that Ventura Rack and an Euro Rally bag.

Honestly that bag is plenty big, to give you and idea here is a list of what that other image shows;

This was not packed carefully but jammed in mind you and it includes;

3 x Long sleeve button up shirts because it's nice to warm and fashionable
1 x Kevlar Jeans. Regular jeans would be smaller still but having a back up pair just in case the leathers get dropped in a lake might be handy
1 x Adidas FU pants. For sleeping
1 x Massive warm hooded jumper. For sleeping / walking / hiking / pretending to be Wally
1 x Mountain Climbing boots, aka Doc Martians :p (At a pinch could ride in these... but I'm not convinced)
4 x Pairs of colorful undies
4 x Pairs of shit black socks
1 x Towel
4 x Plastic bags
1 x Pentax DSLR with a monster 200mm f4 lens
1 x A book to record my hopes and dreams
1 x Nexus 7 for reading / GPS
1 x Wallet, phone, charger , roll of toilet-paper etc etc
1 x Soap, toothbrush blah blah.

And, this was without extending the top to to pack more in again

Now things missing;

1 x Water bottle
1 x Pot
1 x Fork / Spoon
1 x Fresh coffee
1 x Coffee brewer
1 x Food.
1 x Sleeping mat. It's been a while, but I remember being comfortable on a nice patch of grass....
1 x Flat Tyre kit (under bike seat)
1 x Pump (use C02 cans again under the seat)
1 x Tarp + cord (I've seen some clever muppets who extend their shelter over their tent / campsite buy simply hanging a tarp from the bike to a tree. Like der!

Extending the top I could get all that in, Happy Happy, and I still can get a tank bang if necessary, or take the tent and sleeping bag out, strap them to the back and have plenty of room. (as shown above)

Long story short. that's 5 days on road in clean underwear if necessary. I have plenty of room.

This is worst case scenario with tent and sleeping bag on the back outside of the bag. I reckon I'd end up using that outside rack tho for a few spare L of water / petrol (depending on where I was going)

It's good to know I can fit everything in the bag tho. That's good.

Now to set the tent and up and make a fire in the back yard. :p


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New Member
Who doesn't want a low res pocket cam grey-scale flared out image of an xj6 in front of a dam. :p

Ride was great, luggage was great, If you have a chance to visit the Grampians, you will have a ball. Surface was honestly very good.

Sorry I went for a ride with a tent and basic gear just to see what it would be like on the back of the XJ6. (managed to fit it all in the bag as mentioned)

Stayed secure, didn't notice it honestly.

I spent a day traveling, (about 250km) lit a fire and stayed over night, before having a chance to explore the place and head home. Grampians that is, central(ish) Victoria. A modest mountain range some clever cooky once laid tar over. The result is a dry forest with nice black top giggling it's way through.

Strongly recommended if once gets a chance.


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