Brake Questions...


New Member
To those who have upgraded/replaced the master brake cylinder, how difficult is it? I found a used R6 unit on Craigslist that I think I'm going to give a shot. I think I'm also going to get the rearsets from the guy and try to shoehorn them on the bike...
How did the r6 master workout on the bike

How did the r6 master workout on the bike
Dunno. Haven't heard from the buyer. I might just go the eBay route instead.

If you are changing the Master cylinder OR the calipers to "upgrade" you'll need the entire unit.

I mean you need not just the MC but the calipers and pads and discs along with it. Good time to upgrade to stainless steel line too.
Didn't know that. I just thought I needed the cylinder and a reservoir. What about the Accossato kits? Those look like just the master cylinder and lever...
