ATGATT reminder


Lord Humongous
Elite Member
Just thought I'd share a quick story with yall. i know we have a strong ATGATT community here but a little reminder now and then never hurts.

Wife is a 2nd year surgical resident, and she gets to run through trauma rotations from time to time, or is on call for trauma. What are the two most common things they see in trauma you ask? Gunshots and bikers. Shocker.

Well, they get a guy in a couple weeks ago or. He had been out riding, pretty much doing everything right, low speeds and such around town. He has a full helmet on, but no other gear. Cage rear ends him, probably texting or some other horseshit.

Guy comes into trauma bay, and because of his helmet, and the relative low speed of the crash, he has no head trauma, and his only injury is a single broken rib. The sort of thing he could have and should have walked out of the hospital from that day.

Oh, and most of the skin on both his legs and arms were completely gone. He didn't walk out of the hospital that day, he'll be enjoying skin grafts and plastic surgery for some time to come.

Just some food for thought. Broken rib and a cab ride home, vs broken rib and months if not years of surgeries and skin grafts.

And the only difference was a jacket and riding pants.

How hot was it today? Not hot enough.

Word. :cool: :thumbup:
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I pulled up beside a guy in helmet couple of weeks ago in polo, shorts, and flip-flops at a redlight, he was riding a bright green Ninja zx6r. For whatever reason he was revving his engine, I simply nodded, though when the green light hit he wasn't moving so I quickly navigated in front of him.

A minute later he caught up to me, riding with one hand, in very busy traffic...texting with the other hand. I can only imagine how crazy he thought *I* was (had helmet/jacket/gloves/jeans, I admit I'm bad about my pants, but I rarely get above 45mph on the way to work)

I'm not sure if he felt he needed my approval or what. I shook my head, and took my ramp to get home.
good wake up reminder mike. don't ever gamble with your hide... atgatt or cage it.

I actually like my racer boy gear, I understand the squid style, but honestly I prefer the look of a motoGP rider, so its a win-win for me I guess.

And, the too hot argument, you adjust eventually, I don't suffer under 95F, and you just get used to it, but you gotta get out there and be hot a few rides until you one day find yourself not suffering as much.
